A new kid

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Fang's P.O.V

Skull told me. That if I break Snow's heart his GF would break me.

"I would NEVER do that to her. I love her."

"Isn't a little earl to say you "'Love"' her."

"Maybe. I don't know. I just can't take it when she's with other guys. I don't want her to get hurt."

"Looks like Snow's your soul mate."

"Soul mate? What's that?"

"I mean you and Snow are met to be. This is true love." I'm Snow's soul mate? "So your saying she'll be my girl forever."

"Yup! You and her are going to get married and have kids maybe." "Really".

"You two have to date first and you have to see if you want her forever and ever." said Skull.

"Yea. What about you and LeeLee?"

"We'll see, but I love her so much." You can see it in Skull's eyes he's madly in love with LeeLee. What will the school day have for us today?

Snow's P.O.V

The bell rang for math. I love math class, but I hate the class. Full of Jocks and cheerleaders. I bet they don't know 2+2. I walked in to math. Not many people here. Oh well better get start on the Opener.

"Hey can I sit here?" I looked up to see a guy.

"Yea. I think. I don't know who sit there." So I asked I of the Jock named Jake.

"Hey. Jake?"


"Who sits here?"

"No one"

"Ok Thanx Jake"

"No problem Snow." . The guy sat down.

"So your name is Snow, right?"

"Yea?" I studied him. He has blond hair with black in it, red eyes , about 5'8, and dressed in bright colors. "What's your named new kid?".

"Ron K. Green, and you?"

"Snow H. Black.".

"Nice name."

"Thanx. Better get to work before the teacher comes."

"Yea, right."


"I don't do school work."

"You're going to regret that." 5 minutes past and I was done and Ron didn't even start his work. Oh great a bad boy. Ms.Dawn came in and checked everyone's Openers.

When she got to Ron he got in trouble and he's had to stay after school now. I never get in trouble and if I do I get away with it. You can say teachers love me. Class ended. Now for World History.

*skip the rest of school*

I started to walk home. When Ron came up to me.

"Hey Snow. What are you doing this Friday?"

"I have a date. bye Ron."

"With who?" he seeems mad. Why is he mad?

"Not telling." I said as I walked off.

Fang's P.O.V

I saw a guy talking to Snow. I when up the guy. "Hey. Why are to MY Snow?"

"Whoa, Dude I didn't know. You and her had a thing."

"Well, we do so don't hit on her. What's your name?"



"I have to go so later" I said and started to walk away.

"Later Dude." Ron said.

What was that? I called Snow my girl. I think Skull was right about me and Snow being soul mates. So his name is Ron. He better try nothing with my Snow.

Ron's POV

Snow will be my girl, and that Fang WON'T have her. If he gets in my way he's go as DEAD.


What will happen to Snow and Fang? What will Ron do to Fang?

You'll have to see what happens next.



Follow me

~ Tiffany Anderson 5

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