The Start to a NEW Beginning or THE End

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Third person's POV

It's been a few months sense Fang and Snow joined up with Joe, Häl and Noah. All you could say life was going great. The band was down in the basement working on some lyrics. When....

"GUYS!!!!! I HAVE SOME AWESOME NEW!!!!" Häl yelled running in to rehearsal like a madman.

"OK. Who gave him a Monster?" Snow asked and shot a glare at Noah.

"HEY! It wasn't me! Honest!" He yelled and rised his arms in defense. Snow, Fang and Joe crossed their arms and rised an eyebrow at Noah. Not believe the

"OK. I did it last time. But I didn't give him a Monster. This time..." Noah said. While everyone were shooting glares at Noah. Häl started to lose his patience.

"Aaaaahhahhhhh! Oh.....come on you guys!! Shut up!! And listen to what I have to say!!" Häl yelled. Everyone frozen in place because Häl never yells.

"Thank you. Well our manager just call..." Häl said smiling. You remember Jin......He's their tour manager.

"Yeah? What did Jin want?? Did he book us another gig?" Fang asked as he tuned his guitar.

"Nope~" Häl answered with his smiling growing by the second. Snow closed her eyes and started to think.

'Jin did mention about trying to get us on a big tour? Did he really do it??' She thought.

"Did he get us on tour?" Snow asked the smiling fool.

"Yup!!!" Häl answered. The whole band jumped up. Now all smiling like fools. Fang hugged Snow and spin her around.

"Who are we going on tour with?" Joe asked smiling. Häl just continue to grin and said....

"OK. We're going on tour with...






....the Black Veil Brides!!!" They all stopped and yelled

"YEEEEEESSSSS!". Noah stopped and started to think.

"How did they even get work about us?" Noah asked. Häl was about to answer when....

"Well apparently at one of your last shows you perform at. They were there. BVB knows you guys could be an amazing opening act for there up coming tour." A voice answer Noah's question. They looked up to see Jin at the top of the stairs.

"Really?!?! How come none of us noticed them?" Joe asked shocked. He couldn't believe he could miss his recognizing his and best friends idols in the crowd of a show.

"They were at the bar." Jin said. None of us drink or smoke. Yeah.....Not ever rock star has to drink and smoke to be cool.

(A/n: This is my personal opinion. I don't like people who drink a lot or smoker very much).

"OK. But we're not that popular yet. Plus this be our FIRST tour around the country." Snow said. Well they been around Texas many times but not the whole damn country.

"Well....I guess we better start researching and start planning then." Fang said and put a arm around Snow's shoulders. Then Snow though of something very important.

"Well do we leave for tour?" Snow asked wishing to know so they can plan out a few songs and start recording some new ones before they leave for who knows how long.

"You guys leave in 27 days." Jin said and when back up stairs. The band only has 10 songs they've write and 2 covers. Plus Snow has written 3 new songs and was hoping to write the music to go with it.

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