Unfabulously Pretty: Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

          I said nothing but let out a long sigh.

          “Oh right! The lovesick thing!” she slapped her forehead. “Oops, my bad.”


          “You know, if you like a girl, you should just tell her.” She said firmly.

          “You make it sound so easy.”

          “Isn’t it? The dude from my class doesn’t seem to have any problems with confessing, besides, he kind of turned it into a habit.”

          “Sadly, I’m not like that.”

          “Or are you?” she teased.

          “I’m not.” I muttered.

          “Oh what the heck. Why don’t you just barge into Taylor’s house and get it over with?”


          “Don’t act dumb, we all know how you really think of her.” She grinned. “Yeah, she does appear to be just a friend to you, but I know that you’re jealous of Drew because Taylor never gave you any of those special treatments and that you’re afraid that they might hook up, like leaving you out.”

         “You don’t know the half of it.” I pushed her mischievous face away from my eyes.

          “Ouch.” She winced. “That hurt.”

          “Good.” I smiled with satisfaction.

          “You know, I was just trying to help.” She said after a long pause. “I mean, it’s like you were all carefree and laid-back before, but now you’re like depressed, and I guess I kind of hate seeing you like this…”

          “Yeah.” I looked at her thoughtfully. “Thanks for your concern, Les.” I said as I ruffled her hair.

          “Hey, don’t mess up my hair.” She made a face but smiled. We stood up and hugged. “I love you, bro.” she laughed.

          It felt comforting to hear those words. Mom and Dad never said that to me before, it was just Luke and Leslie who’d ever said them, and they just know when to say it.

          I felt myself smile as I said: “I love you, too.”

                                                *        *        *

When I stepped into the school the second day, I couldn’t feel more relieved. Taylor is not here. Good, because I don’t think that she’d want to see me now and if I’m that lucky I might get slapped twice on both cheeks. Her nails will probably dig into the flesh too, so it’ll hurt big time. I knew that I should’ve brought my helmet.


          “Shane!” Zoey greeted. “You’re okay now!”

          “Yeah.” I beamed.

          “Oh hey, look at you, wearing your glasses! What happened to your contacts?”

          “I just didn’t feel like wearing them today.” I said airily.

“You don’t look that bad with glasses too, you know. It looks more like a trend on you.” She patted my head briskly. “I guess it was just your hair that was getting in the way.”

          “Maybe.” I shrugged.

          “Dude, you’re back.” Cain greeted from behind followed by Ash and Faith who are currently holding hands.

          Wait, what?

          “Don’t look so sharp, you kind of missed something yesterday.” Cain laughed. “So, how are you?”

          “I’m good.” I said slowly, still trying to take the whole thing in. This is just too soon.

         “It happened yesterday after school.” Smiled Faith. “I bet you didn’t see it coming, right? Nobody did.”

          “Huh, right.” I smiled at Ash, still remembering that conversation we had the other day in my room. “You totally got me!”

          “I know right.” She laughed gaily. “Alright, so any of you saw Taylor? She’s been missing lately.”

          “Yeah, she’s all busy with Drew.” Zoey rolled her eyes. “It’s kind of annoying, to be honest.”

          “Why?” asked Ash.

          “It’s not the fact, it’s Drew.” She frowned. “I just don’t like him.”

          “Judge not, that you be not judged.” said Faith righteously. Ash looked speechless as Zoey shot her the are-you-serious look. “I just read that from the bible yesterday, sorry that I have to use that on you but really, judging is bad.”

          “I know that it’s not right of me to judge, but honestly, Drew is just some idiotic jock who dated a number of innocent girls, not that Melissa is innocent.” She said hastily. “I think he’s a playboy.”

          “How many ex does he have?” asked Cain casually.

          “Around ten to twenty.” Said Ash. How did he know? “He might be hitting on Taylor next, since she’s no longer the ugly nerd now.” he added.

          “That’s what I was worried about.” I sighed. “But still, we shouldn’t just go up to her and tell her what to do and what not to. We should just let her decide, as a friend.”

          “What if they’re dating?”

          “Does it look like we have a choice?” I smiled wryly.

          We were interrupted by the bell and the nasty discipline teacher who is barking at all the students, urging them to head directly towards their class.

          “We’ll talk later.” said Zoey hurriedly as we all went separate directions.

          I guess this kind of means that I’m not the only one who is worrying about Taylor, right? I wish that there’s some way for us to sort things out. There’s no way we are ever gonna talk until the reckless argument is forgotten. I think I should apologize, but how? I don’t think she wants to see me, anyway.

          Plus, I’m sure that she’ll be with Drew if I find her, and I don’t want to see him, either.

          I sat down when Ash and I had reached our classrooms. Ash sure looks totally lovesick. I guess this is the definition.

          I looked around boringly as Eugene grabbed the empty seat beside me. He said nothing, and for a moment there he looked like he was about to cry.

          “It’s Taylor.” He muttered miserably.

          “What about her?” I whispered softly so no one else could hear us.

          “Well, she sort of called it off.”

          “Dude, I’m sorry…”

          “That’s not all.” He shook his head slowly.

          “It’s not?” I asked. I think that kind of piqued my curiosity. “Did she say something else?”

          “Yeah, she told me the reason.” He hesitated. I waited patiently for him to continue. He looks completely crushed. I’d hate to see him cry. He sighed wearily and turned to me as I looked at him with expectation. He opened his mouth bravely and said: “She’s dating Drew.”

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