Speech Guide, Intro, ect.

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When life is too short to cry over stupid boys and drink cheap coffee, you go on the road to find a new inspiration. A new place just means that there are new things to love, cry over, inspire, lust for, and of course, drink. Dawn leaves her favorite barista boy to move to a small town in Tennessee, so she learn more about life and what it offers. With her broken heart still in the hands of her barista boy, she pretends to write to him about her life experiences when she takes a waitressing job. Love, Loss, and Forget is how we live and her trip to Tennessee will teach her that, whether she's ready or not. One thing she learns is that life is too short to run from the barista boy she loves.


Bold :: Ian

Normal :: Dawn

Italics:: Jenna

Other :: Travis

AN: This book is broken down into three different sections and I promise it won't be that complicated! :) This is my first time writing a short story, so please show some love and let me know what you think :D

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