F e a r

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Dear Ian,

Have you ever been so scared that your whole body went numb? Ethan wasn't at the diner but Henry was. I haven't said one word to him and I don't think he was expecting me to. He was writing in his notebook with his expensive ball point gold and black pen that I bought him when I was shopping at Barns and Noble.

'Why are you always working here? I think you stay here longer than your boss.' I wasn't going to tell him that working here was the only thing that kept my mind off of you. He was already depressed with his own problems, I shouldn't add on. So I told him the other reason.

'I want to buy a motorcycle of my own. I like the rush, the adrenaline, the speed.'

'Well, Miss Adrenaline Junkie. I hope this will help you with your dream bike.' He handed me a bundle of cash. I counted through the money and nearly fainted. Five hundred dollars.

'I can't take this. This is way too much I-'

'Take it, you deserve it. Thank you for being such a good friend.'

'Thank you...' What a tip. My mother taught me that if you don't tip a waitress or waiter you're an indecent person, I didn't understand what she was talking about until I became a waitress myself. I had a feeling that this was more than a tip though, why did he give me all of the money in his pocket? Someone opened the door rather aggressively, the sound of the bell filled the room.

'You son of a bitch! This is all your fault! You nearly killed him, you disgusting drunken monster!' Cheryl was back again and she did not look happy.

'He has no business touching a married woman like that.'

'We're not married anymore, Henry! Get that through your thick skull, we're separated! If you think hurting my boyfriend will make me stay, you're wrong. I'm leaving today without him because it irks me being in the same city as you. I don't even want to be on the same planet as you! Whatever you thought we had, it's over.' Henry stayed silent staring at her with a blank expression. She turned her heel to leave and just as she was about to open the door, Henry stood up and pulled something out of his pocket. It was a gun.


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