V o d k a

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Dear Ian,

Henry hasn't been back and I'm starting to worry for some reason. I don't know, when I saw him drinking all of his problems away, I noticed how sad he looked. His expression made me want to cry myself. I hope he's safe. He's a nice man and I wish him the best. I just can't help but worry when I'm paid to hand this life ruining substance to the people who should be avoiding it. He's my friend and I don't want to give him these drinks anymore. My boss would kill me if he found out that I was turning down customers, but I looked at his tab and he owes eight hundred dollars. Eight hundred whole dollars on alcohol and occasional small dinners because his stomach is filled with beer.

I found out my crushes name is Ethan and he's from Seattle. I noticed that he isn't from around since he doesn't have the Southern accent. His voice is so deep, his Adam's apple even bobs slightly over his tight fitting t shirt, and his jaw line is so sculpted and defined it makes me jealous. I told him I liked his bike and he offered to give me a spin around the block but I turned down his offer since I had to work. I didn't want to be one of his many dates but riding a motorcycle sounds like the adventure I'm looking for. Ethan said he'd take me home on his motorcycle after my shift ends and I took the offer.

Rebellious & Adventurous Dawn :)

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