S u g a r

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7:59 am

"What made you fall in love with Daniel?"

"He enjoyed my company."

"Why is that such a big deal? Anyone can do that."

"Well, they didn't. People never listened, they just waited for their turn to speak. What was the point of speaking if people just talked over me? Daniel was... Different."

"I listen to you. I listen to you all the time."

"I know. Thank you."

"So why do you make it seem like he's the only person in the world that cares about you?!"

"I don't! Well at least I didn't mean to... You asked me what made me fall in love with Daniel and I was just simply telling you.  I don't understand why you're getting so loud over this."

"I just don't like him. I don't understand why you even bothered with him, he was just a waste of time."

"Waste of time? No. Daniel was actually a really great guy when we were in love. Just because a relationship didn't last forever doesn't mean it wasn't love. He did the right thing to walk away; we were distant."

"But he didn't want to walk away! He cheated on you! He planned to walk back to you with the scent of her wretched perfume and her smeared cheap lipstick still of his skin. He planned to kiss you with the lips that were pressed against another woman's just moments ago. Doesn't that bother you one bit?"

"Of course it bothers me, but that doesn't mean I should hate the memories we shared together. At least the parts that weren't a lie. If I continue with those thoughts in my head, I wouldn't be able to move on. I'd probably be one of those booth boobs who's on their third whiskey."

"I just think those memories keep you running back to him, that's all."

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