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            Niall and I had been dating for a little over a month and a half. It was the longest relationship I’d ever had, and that’s not that long. I kept waiting for him to get bored with me and to move on to someone better but he didn’t. He kept surprising me. Flowers in random places, ice cream trips, swimming at Zayn’s, sweaty hand holding and stolen kisses when we were finally alone. It was all good fun. I loved it.

            “I’ll be around in about a half hour.” –Niall

            Great, I had time to read before he came over. Dylan had sent me a text too, to see if Niall and I wanted to come hang out with her and Zayn. I hadn’t texted her back. It had been a while since Niall and I had hung out by ourselves.

            I picked up the most recent book I was into and went out to the back yard leaving my phone inside.

            I bit my lip gripping the book tighter in my hands as I was getting closer and closer to the climax of the story. The book was sort of dark and sad but also had a love story behind it. It was quite interesting.

            As I was getting closer and closer to finding out who the secret killer was bam somebody jumped on me.

            “Ahh!” I yelled. I turned over on my back ready to hit the person who had scared the shit out of me.

            It was only Niall. “Oh my god.” I groaned turning back on my belly hiding my face tryng to slow down my racing heart.

            He laughed hysterically. I guess the face I’d made was funny. He laid on the ground next to me and kissed my shoulder. “How did you not know it was me? I sent you a text letting you know I was here.” He told me.

            I placed my bookmark in the spot I stopped at and set the book down. “Do you see my phone anywhere?” I answered with a question.

            He rolled on his back and looked up at me shrugging. I arched my back a little so I could pop it. “What’s up?” I asked relaxing again.

            He folded his fingers together before resting them behind his head. “Not too much did you ever hear about that new job?” He asked.

            I shook my head. “I had the interview yesterday but I haven’t heard back yet.” I said. I’d applied at a gas station for a summer job. I was tired of relying on Niall and my mom for money. It was a good start. Being an intern at a record company was next.

            He nodded. “You’ll get it.” He promised.

            I sat up all the way sitting crisscross. He rested on his elbow picking at the grass. “What are you doing next weekend?” he asked as I adjusted my pony tail.

Summer Love (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now