Chapter 7 Babysitting

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Chapter 7 Babysitting

            My phone went off at 6:03 a.m. Groaning, I rolled over looking to see who it was. Sarah. Oh God, what did she want?

            “Hello?” I said into the phone with a small cough. I sat up so I could wake up a little.

            “Good morning, Annabele! Why do you sound so asleep?” She said in a way too happy voice.

            What the hell was she doing? “I was sleeping like any other normal person would be doing.” I told her slightly irritated.

            I sat up all the way tangling my legs together. Pulling the hair tie off my wrist I start to gather all of my hair together.

            Her laugh rang loud in my ear. Jesus Christ. “You need to be ready. The boys are leaving at 6:30. Didn’t you read the schedule?” She asked.

            Seriously… I stood up off my bed and hurried to my closet. “I thought that was a joke.” I admitted. I pulled out a random thin white t-shirt and some jean shorts out of the dresser.

            “Why would you think that’s a joke?” She asked, her voice calming down.

            Oh, no. Was she mad? As I pulled down my pajama shorts to change she kept talking. “Look Annabele if you can’t handle it I’ll find someone else to do it.” She said.

            My heart dropped. “No, no, no. I can do it. I’ll meet Louis at his place in twenty minutes. Thank you so much Sarah, bye.” I told her quickly before hanging up.

            6:13. Shit, no time for a shower. I pulled on the shorts and changed shirts. Little makeup and my white toms should do the trick.

            On my way out of the room I grab a purse that will lay over my shoulder across my body. I pull out my phone and dial Louis’ number as I lock my door.

            “What’s up babe?” Louis said into the phone.

            I adjusted my watch using my shoulder to hold my phone up to my ear. Then I tucked my shirt into my shorts. “I’m outside your door. You ready?” I answered with a question.

            Just like that, on cue Louis’ door opened and out he came. “Yes, ma’am.” he said still on the phone.

            I grinned and hung up. He reached his hand out and I was happy to take it. He stuck his phone in his pocket and we walked down the hall and to the elevator.

            “Fancy the morning, huh?” he teased as he pushed the button to go to the ground floor.

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