We will be okay on are own kido

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Madison PoV
I woke up screaming. I have been having really bad nightmare lately . My dad came running in " Maddie what's wrong " he said rushing to my side . " nightmare again, I will be fine you should get back to bed" I say. It has been a few weeks since the grounders attacked camp ." Are you kidding and leave my girl all alone scared " he said before lying down in the bed beside me . " so what happens in your nightmare " i paused "they are always the same , but they are not very clear I just know something bad is going to happen to someone I love  "  he laughs ." I know it's stupid but it is scary when something bad is going to happen someone you love and care about "I say . " it's not stupid Maddie , but nothing is going to happen to me or your mom I promise " my dad said  " thanks dad " I say before rolling over to try sleep .

The next morning I woke up in my room alone . My dad must of went back to bed during the night I got up and walked out of my room . I was shocked to see my dad in the living room in his guards uniform talking to Finn and a couple of  other guards Abby and Kane where there too . " dad what going on " I say clueless to what is happening . " good morning princess " he says in a much nicer and softer voice not like the one he was just using when he was talking to  Finn . " what's going on " I asked . He looked at me trying to kip a strong face but I could see right through it . " dad where is mom " I said really worried now . He handed me a note " here " he said .
It said
Dear Bellamy and Madison
I am so sorry to do this , but I have to leave for awhile everything has just been so stressed full I have failed to be a wife and a mother, I am so sorry I love you both so much and that is why I had to leave .
May we meet again ,

My whole body tensed as wave of different emotions came over me but all I could do is cry . " we need to get her back daddy we need her " I said falling to the ground . I felt my dads arms wrapping around me ." It's going to be okay , we are going to be okay kido  " my dad said lifting me up for a full hug .

" Finn and the others are going out to help me find her Maddie " when I hear this i pull away . " why would you even bother she left us, things got to hard for her and she left us " I could feel the anger coming over me . Kane came over to try came my down . " maddie just breathe in and out you are starting to panic he wrapped his arms around me and I start to count slowly "1,2,3,4,5,6,..." I could fell myself calming down.

" I will be back before dark Maddie I promise " my dad said ." I stood up and ran to him , " please dad come soon home i can't lose you too " he kissed my head. " you will never lose me , be good for Abby and Kane kido , I love you "

Bellamys PoV
Telling Maddie that her mom had left just was one of the hardest thing I have had to do. Leaving her at a time like this when she needs me most broke my heart, but I need to find Clarke . About 5 groups of guard set out to help find her .

My mind had filled with memories with Clarke each one special in its own way .
"what you thinking about "
I herd coming from beside me, It was Finn . " I don't even know anymore, I just don't understand why she would leave me and Maddie for no reason " I said so confused . " we will find her Bellamy " Finn said trying to make me feel better by it didn't .

" I just don't know how I am going to look after a kid and protect the camp ,I can't do both at the same time "
the thought of make me feel worse then I already do " well hopefully it doesn't come to that and if it does we are all here for you bro " Finn replied giving me a friendly smile , I could see he meant it. " thanks bro " I said before I noticed footprints on the ground.

They were fresh only a few hours old and that where small . "It has to be her " I say to the others . " come on then let's keep going " Murphy said. Everyone started to follow them .

We much have been following the prints for hours " it was starting to get dark and there was still no sign of Clarke . " where we not here already " Miller said . I looked around and realised we have gone around in a circle. " that clever bitch " I said under my breath. Suddenly I herd a noise in the bushes a few meters away from me. I turned my head so quick I got a glimpse of blond hair . It was her . I ran toward the bushes , I could see her up ahead I ran faster thinking about Maddie . I reached for her and wrapped my arms around her . All my anger and sadness faded away in the moment . " Bellamy why are you here " she said pulling away . " I'm here to bring you home Clarke " I said putting my hand out for her to take . But she didn't . " I can't call that home Bellamy " there was a strangeness to her voice , she continued " not after what I have done . " what , what do you mean what you have done " I replied in total shock. She had a look of sorrow in her eyes. " it's my fault the grounders attacked the camp , I made a deal with lexa the grounder commander and it went bad so she attacked, I'm so sorry"
I looked at her speechless . "When did you make this deal " I said trying not to make eye contact with her. " a few weeks after we landed on earth " she said " the only way to make sure the grounders don't attack again is that I leave and never return to the camp , I have to go to the capital Bellamy " she stopped and looked at me . The anger was coming back " so you made a deal and never told me , Clarke we were together then , we had a child together then " sadness came over Clarke face when I mention maddie " and now you just leave with no explanation . Maddie is at home worried sick " . " please don't talk about her Bellamy, please I have to leave just tell her that you didn't see me " she said with tears filling her eyes . " I love you Bellamy Blake " them word hurt more then her leaving . " I love you too Clarke Blake , May we meet again " I said backing away from her ." May we meet again" she said before turning around and running through the bushes. With in seconds she was gone.

I waited until she disappeared into the darkness, then I turned around and started to walk back to the group . I got back to the group they where all standing where I left them . " was it her " Finn Said . I paused for a second and thought about what I was going to say . " no " I said thinking about what Clarke to me to say. "lets just go back to camp " . We all started to head back the direction we came before I left I looked back at the bushes where I say Clarke , I stopped and look at it for a few moment then I snapped out of it . I caught up with the group . Then a thought came to my head . What am I going to tell Maddie .

Sorry it took so long I promise I will write more often. Please tell me what you think so far thanks guy xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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