Big suprise

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Bellamy PoV
It's was a warm day the sun was shining there was not a lot of wind it was perfect. I thought sitting on the bench outside my house ." Maddie come on " I shouted inside ." I'm coming calm down " she said giving me a cheeky smirk . " where are we even going " she asked . I thought because your mom is In work and I am not busy I would bring you hunting . " hunting " she said in a less Impresses tone . " dad you know me I can't hurt a fly never mind a boar " . " trust me Maddie you will like it "

Walking out the gates I was stopped by Finn whispered into my ear " so tonight is the big night " she said . " Yes do you have it " I asked . Finn took a small box out of his pocket and handed it to me . " good look bro " ," thanks just tell octavia she knows what to so" finn nodded before walking away . I slipped the box into my pocket . Madison looked at me suspiciously. "What was that " she asked . "Nothing " I said quickly and headed toward the tree line .

Madison PoV
My dad is up to something. he is shit at keeping secrets. He would never just bring me hunting for no reason . " dad what is going on  " I finally asked . " what do you mean sweetie , can I not bring my favourite child out hunting for the day " . " first of all I'm your only child and second I am 14 years old and you have never just wanted to bring me on a day out " I said as I stopped walking . My dad looked at me . " when did you become so grown up " he said laughing , " okay but you can't say anything to anyone ,you got it "
I nodded and he whispered into my ears . " oh my god tonight dad , why didn't you tell me" he gave me a look . " what part of don't say Anything don't you understand he said being a bit snappy , " sorry " I said being a bit taking back by the way my dad snapped at me . " no I'm sorry Maddie I'm just nervous , I know this means a lot to you too ". "It's okay " I said quickly.

About and hour later and we still have nothing " it's getting beginning to get dark can we call it a day and go home . " yeah let's go " we both didn't talk much on the way back. I didn't know what to say . As we got to the gates my dad turned to  me and said  " thanks for coming with me today It really helped me calm down " he kissed me on the head " your a good kid " I smiled " "let's go "
When we got in my mom was cooking dinner . " hey there is my to favourite people " my mom said as we walked in . " dinner is just ready" . " good I'm starving " I said sitting at the table.  I looked over at my dad he looked so nervous . " calm down she will know something is up " I whispered across the table to him . " okay thanks " he whispered back .  My mom sat down and we ate dinner . 
" Let's go for a walk " my dad said when dinner was over . " yeah let's go for a walk ". " Bellamy I have a long day lets just stay in " my mom said moaning . "Come on Clarke it's a nice night " . "Okay let me get ready " she said, a look of relief fell onto my dads face . " let's do this " he said when my mom left .

Clarke PoV
Why is Bellamy dragging me out on a walk I thought walking in to my room to get out of my scrubs. I but on a pair of jeans and a jumper and walked back out to Bellamy and Madison. " let's go " Bellamy said talking my hand and walked me outside . we walked in silence until Madison said " so mom how was work today " . "Same old same old " I replied.  I looked at Bellamy who was surprisingly quiet
For once . " what wrong babe " I said to him " nothing just enjoying the walk .

We walked some more before Bellamy stopped suddenly . He covered the my eyes and Maddie took my hand they both lead me a few feet forward . " bellamy, Maddie what is going on " no one answered me . A few seconds later bell uncovered my eyes . " wow Bellamy" what is this I said looking to the candles and the bottle of wine . Where did you get these me and Finn found them in a old under ground bunker . " Clarke "  I turn around to see Bellamy . " we have known each other are whole lives and from the day I meet you I knew You where the one " he said " Bellamy " he just kept talking . " Clarke I love you and I won't to spend the rest of my life with you , he began to get down on  lone knee "Bellamy, what are you doing  " I said again crying this time . " Clarke Griffin" " will you  marry me "
" I looked at Maddie who was smiling back at me . " Bellamy I don't know what to say" . " how about yes !" Maddie said .   I looked down at Bellamy still on one knee ." Bell I don't know , his face dropped" I turned away and looked to the ground . " Clarke " . " mom" they both said in the same half sad half confused voice.
I turned around and started to laugh " of course I will marry you bell " he gave me a smirk " you little , You gave me a heart attack" he said wrapping his strong arms around my waist, He lifted me up and spun me around then he kissed me .
The put me down and opened a small box . " it's only small but ..." I cut him off it is beautiful Bellamy . He put is on my finger and then we kissed again . We where interrupted but Maddie " hello , over here " she said . " get over her you " I said to her holding my arms out for a hug . She ran over and hugged the both of us . " I just realised something " I said looking up to Bellamy I can stop correcting people when they say , ms Blake . He smiled at me before saying " I love you future ms Blake "

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