"Kids, why are you so tired? You can't even stand up properly!" I scold.

H&M sniffle and then I realise that they have been crying. Jason and Mason hug their mates whispering soothing words. I beckon the kids over. Victor has his two arms wrapped around Dani and Rachel who have fallen asleep standing up. I shake my head catching glimpses of the other women doing the same. A lot of them look very concerned which makes me smile inwardly.

"Okay what's up?" I look around expecting an answer. Dakota stifles a yawn before answering softly. "We couldn't sleep because we are worried about Damien. We tried sleeping together in the same room but that didn't work either. Mommy, what if he doesn't wake up?" Her bottom lip trembles.

I pick Josh up in the other arm. The twins walk their mates upstairs behind me and I peak over my shoulder to see Victor with Dani and Rachel who have now woken up. I lead them to Damien's room and they all pile in quietly. I place Josh and Dakota at the end of the bed and I quickly run to the cupboard and take out a number of extra pillows and blankets.With the help of another pack member I carry a mattress and place it on the floor. Victor helps Dani and Rachel lie on the bed covering them in warm blankets. He helps me with the others. Soon they have all piled on, tightly packed hugging each other comfortingly.

I smile warmly at the sight. I glance at the clock and it reads 8:37 am.The Silverclaw pack should arrive at noon. I leave the room expecting to let them sleep for a few more hours. A sleep they very much need.

I sniff the air and follow the scent of my mate to his office. He must be up. I knock on the door.

"You don't have to knock babe, I know it's you." I open the door to see a worn out Charlie.

I walk behind the desk and sit in his lap. I kiss him softly."Morning." He says huskily." I would very much like to be woken up like that every morning." His eyes darken. I chuckle but study him. I frown slightly.

"Why are you so worn out? What's wrong?" I ask concerned. He doesn't answer for a few seconds probably having an internal battle with himself. "I'm worried.The rogues are getting stronger, killing more people." He says solemnly.

"I'm afraid that they will hurt our pack and children." That earns him a growl from yours truly.

"No one and I mean NO ONE is hurting our pack and kids. We can defeat them with the help of the Silverclaw pack. They are our allies. They will be happy to help as this effects them too." I hold his face in my hands.

"Don't worry. All we have to do is increase the packs training. We are already very skilled, we just need some adjustments to make us better." I tell him honestly.

He looks at me with adoration in his eyes."Now lets prepare for the Silverclaw pack and Alpha Jake. I was helping the women this morning and they have done a superb job in getting things ready." He nods smiling.

"I will be sure to thank them. Where are our kids?" He asks probably listening for the shrieking of Dakota or the bubbly giggles of Josh.

My smile is instantly wiped off my face which makes Charlie concerned. "What happened?" he tries to get up bit I place a calming hand on his chest. "They are in Damien's room sleeping. They got no sleep and well they looked like the living dead....they are really worried." He squeezes my hand.

"He will wake up soon. His wolf is only in a coma to heal his body. He didn't need that much healing in the first place. He was lucky." He explains while rubbing circles on the back of my hand.

I nod already after accepting that he will wake up soon after the pep talk I received from my wolf. I look down at the table covered in papers."You finished?"

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