"I hope you are all enjoying yourselves. Now, my fiancé and I will dance, and soon you will join. So if you could please move to the corners of the room, so there is place for a dancefloor," Diego said politely.

His voice was so different compared to when he normally talked to me. He probably made it somewhat husky on purpose. I internally roll my eyes. Everybody shuffles, and Diego leads me to the center.

The music starts to play, and Diego puts an arm on my waist, and takes one of my hands in his. One of the few things that I knew about the waltz was that you had to put your hand on the male's shoulder. I do that, and he gives me a smile that says Well done, ten points!

We slowly start to move, and Diego with his eyes tells me to follow my lead.

"As if it's that easy," I murmur under my breath, and he stifles a chuckle.

We move left, to right, forward, backwards. I kept on looking down, really trying to not step on his feet.

"You're doing alright," Diego mutters, spinning me slightly.

"And your praise means so much to me," I say sarcastically and he rolls his eyes.

As he pulls me back in, I see everybody watching us with adoring smiles. They must think we're in love. Boy are they wrong. People start to join us, and I feel myself relax, at least less people are watching us now.

"Put your head on my chest," Diego barely whispers.

I hesitantly rest my head on his chest, and he pulls my body closer to him. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. I felt shivers as I felt his heartbeat. It beat at a slow and steady pace. I felt myself closing my eyes.

Diego chuckles, sending vibrations through my body. "Sleepyhead you kinda also need to move,"

"We can just sway," I reply, my eye still shut.

We switch to simply swaying slightly. I put my arms around his neck, and he places his on my waist. I had never felt so calm and relaxed. I started to drift off to sleep, when suddenly Diego pulls away.

"Perhaps we can send everybody out, so you can sleep," Diego says smiling.

I laugh. I pull away completely and move towards the refreshments table. I was famished. I hardly ate anything. I grab a bite sized cheesecake and pop it into my mouth. I lick my lips as I scan the table. My eyes light up as I spot the chocolate brownies.

"Wow you're really stuffing yourself up," I hear a voice say.

It was familiar, but I couldn't tell who. I turn around, and grimace when I see that it Lara Jimenez. Diego's ex girlfriend. I wipe my mouth with a serviette.

"What do you want?" I ask, it came out colder than expected.

"Jimmy, leave her alone," Camila says, appearing at my side.

I couldn't help but laugh, at the nickname she gave Lara. Lara growls at Camila, but Camila simply grins at her.

Camila shrugs. "You heard me darling. It's not her fault that Diego got bored of you, but let's face it, you're not that interesting,"

"She's probably a distraction for him, something to help him get over me," Lara says through gritted teeth.

There's goes that politeness I thought she had.

"I guess you forgot that I broke up with you," Diego says smirking.

Lara gasps, and Diego's smirk widens. Camila also smirks, and I couldn't help but realize how similar they were.

Camila grins. "And here's Prince Charming himself,"

"Leave my fiancé alone," Diego warns her.

Even tonight he wouldn't say my name! Maybe he doesn't remember it. . . Lara scoffs, and walks away.

"Just in time my friend," Camila pats his arm, and walks away.

Leon and Francesca come running over, Diego walks away, after giving me an Are You Okay look to which I nodded as a reply.

"Who's that girl?" Francesca asks.

"Yeah, does she have something to do with Diego? She looks hot," Leon says and Francesca smacks his arm. I laugh, before answering.

"Ex girlfriend," I explain simply. Leon tsked.

"There's always an ex girlfriend! Always!"

Hey!!!! So tell me what you think! So as you can see, Dieletta is slowly getting closer, but seriously, it takes a while for them to get really close.

In a way they hate each other less?

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading! Love you lots!

~Lexy 😈

(Media is Vilu's confused face ((: )

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