Interview with Mamie1990: The Writer of One Night With the Prince

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Name & Age? My name is Mamie(pronounced May-me) :) And I turn 21 in less than two months (heck yes! lol)

When did you start writing? I started really writing just this year. Yes I did small writing in Creative writing Senior year, but I never really got into writing until early this year. It's funny though, since I love to write.

How did you find Wattpad?I found wattpad through my best friend Chanel. I was already on mibba and quizilla and I kept saying, 'no I don't another writing account.' she mainly just wanted me to read Nothing Left to Lose by Kirtsty1000(AMAZING!) It was actually kirsty1000 that inspired me to get an account to write on here.

Who is your favourite author? My favorite author is a tie between XxSkater2girlxX(not sure if that's her exact username) and Kirsty1000. They are freakin amazing!

What is your favourite book? My favorite book is hands down Nothing Left to Lose. Close second is A proscriptive relationship.

What is the first book you have ever read? The first book I really remember reading is Ella Enchanted in the fifth grade? Cute book and it's much better than the movie, even though I love Ann Hathaway ;)

Where do you get ideas for your stories? Let's see...I didn't know the guy I fell for was inspired by A Proscriptive Relationship. I wanted to try a student teacher thing. Vengful Love was just a sequel to that. Um...Switched contrary to some people saying I got it from the movie A boy/girl thing, it honestly came from me. I never even heard of that movie at all before I wrote that so I thought that was funny. One night with the Prince came from a story in the bible I have heard growing up but I put a completely different spin on it to make it much more modern and funny. Convicted Love is my baby right now since it did come solely from my mind and imagination ;) I love it and i have so many more ideas that I can't wait to start.

If you ever experienced writer's block, how do you get over it? Writer's block from lack of better terms is a b*tch. lol I really only get it when I have to write filler chapters. It really does help if you put on some music. But put on the kind of music you want the chapter to go. For example if you want to write a sad chapter put on sad music. It helps me every time.

Do you like reading or writing? Oh my gosh I love reading and writing! It's my favorite things to do. If I'm not working then I'm either reading or writing.

What's your favourite Wattpad story? Well since I already answered that above by accident lol My favorite actual book is The Shack by William Young.

Who's your favourite Wattpad writer and why? My favorite author on wattpad is Kirsty1000 because she amazes me all the time with her writing skills. I honestly don't know how she isn't a published author! She inspires me daily and I hope to be as good as her one day.

Out of all of your stories(if applicable) which one did you enjoy writing the most? My favorite one that I wrote and currently writing is Convicted Love. It's not some high school drama romance, which is okay if you do it right but that story is geared to a slightly older audience and I love writing on it most of the time if I'm not stuck. :)

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