Interview with Hobbity: The Writer of I Broke His Nose When I Was Five...

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Name & Age

Sarah Grace, 14 (15 in September!!!!)

When did you start writing?

Around the age of five. I still have the book. It was, apparently, about cats. I had an astonishing amount of humor. 

How did you find Wattpad?

My sister's teacher showed her and she knows I love reading, so she showed it to me. Then I forgot about it and I was racking my brain to figure it out for a few months, then BAM! Light bulb! Literally. Get it: light bulbs? Watts? Wattpad? That's how I figured it out :). I was so happy. 

Who is your favourite author?

I can't really say. It's like a favorite song, it changes everyday. (I did not intentionally make those two sentences rhyme.) It would probably be between Meg Cabot and Tamora Pierce. Or Shannon Hale. Possibly Rick Riordan. J.K. Rowling's pretty awesome too. See what I mean when I say I can't decide? 

What is your favorite book?

Sigh. Can't say, really, I read like crazy. My current favorite book would have to be Freefall by Mindi Scott. 

What is the first book you have ever read?

Spilled Milk by some author. I was four. 

Where do you get ideas for your stories?

Watching people around me, I guess. What if situations are my favorites. I also try to think about what other people could possibly experience and BAM! an idea. Sometimes they come from dreams :)

If you ever experienced writer's block, how do you get over it?

I just stop writing until one day, I feel like writing :D. 

Do you like reading or writing?

Is that even a question? I adore them both. Me being a freak about literature is probably one of the main reasons why I started writing. 

What's your favorite Wattpad story?

Hard to say...right now it'd have to be Something Worth Living For by nikkichicky. It's amazingly emotional. 

Who's your favorite Wattpad writer and why?

Again, I can't pick. Nessie94 is awesome, but so is JordieXx among others...

Out of all of your stories(if applicable) which one did you enjoy writing the most?

Probably my first book, I Broke His Nose When I Was Five. Love at First Sight? Not So Much..., because it was what really got me noticed on Wattpad. Plus, the characters were hilarious to write. 

Any hints on your upcoming work?

Hm...not really. I posted a preview of a "maybe" book on my profile though. 

Any tips for those who want to follow in your footsteps?

Whatever you write, have fun with it. People aren't going to enjoy something that you hate yourself :). 

Do you have anything you would like to say to your fans or anyone reading this?

Oel ngati kamei <-- I love you (in Na'vi). YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! 

Are any of your characters based on real people?

A couple, actually. Mostly my brothers and sisters. I can watch them and actually take some of their little quirks and put them into my characters :). 

Who's your favorite character out of your stories?

Elizabeth Kane from "Football is a Man's Sport" My Derriere. She's spunky, she's courageous, and she's named for and modeled after my sister. 

What do you eat when you type(if you eat while typing)?

Chocolate. Definitely. Sweet things make me hyper which makes me kick out pages and pages of work :). So if you want me to upload, send me a Snickers! 

Who's your inspiration?

Meg Cabot, definitely. She's just so awesome and I get sucked into every single one of her stories. She also doesn't seem too posh, like some of the authors I enjoy. I can take cues from her work. 

In the future, will you be looking into maybe getting your work published? If so, which story will it be and why that story in particular?

Absolutely. I'm not sure if one of my Wattpad stories will make the cut though...I'm actually writing something new. But we'll see! 

Questions from DimitriBelikov of Wattpad

1) Where do you get your ideas for your stories?

From looking around me, I guess. Taking a story and thinking about it more, to create an entirely new plot. Things like that. 

2) Do you ever get hate mail? If so, how do you handle it?

I haven't ever gotten hate mail, but I have gotten some bad comments. Usually I'll just talk it out with the person and even though it hurts (a lot) I respect their opinion. 

3) Who's your favorite author on Wattpad?

Hard to say...though NouKami is probably one of them. 

4) What's your biggest dream?

To be published and hit the New York Times Bestseller List before I turn eighteen. Period. 

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