11. Back at First Base

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Daddy. I won't stay up all night." I look through the crack in the door and see Gabriel cradling Kess like a baby. They're in the DDLG sect? I guess it makes sense. Kess is so childish, and he's so fatherly. The relationship works perfectly. I walk into the room, hoping I didn't ruin the moment they seemed to have.

"Alright, Jade. You're going to bed and tomorrow I'm taking you back to Hale. You aren't staying up all night and partying with Kess. Is that clear?" He glares at me throughout the entire spiel.

"Yes." I say, dejected. I'm not going to bother with a Sir. I don't think he cares either because he turns his attention back to Kess.

"Baby girl, go to sleep. Daddy will see you in the morning." He tucks her in and plants a firm kiss on her forehead. He then gives her a stuffed animal and heads to the light switch.

I quickly get under the covers with Kess and lay down. As soon as my head hits the pillow, Gabriel turns the lights off and closes the door, but not all the way.

"Goodnight Kess." I whisper.

"Goodnight Jade. Whatever you did, I don't want to know. But please don't get in big trouble again. I know you're only here because Gabriel called Hale, and he needs to cool down before punishing you." Those were the last words she said before she fell asleep.

When I wake up the next morning, the clock says 9:47am. It's pretty late for me, but I'm assuming it's not for Kess. Well, she is the little girl in the relationship, she might as well take all the privileges.

I try to slip out of bed, but something holds be back. I lift the covers and see Kess's body intertwined with mine. She's hugging me like I'm her stuffed animal. Or Gabriel.

I unlatch her arms from around me and slip out of bed. I take off the kawaii nightgown and slip my dress from yesterday back on. I open the door all the way and head downstairs. I can hear rattling in the kitchen and I head there. I know there is no way to escape my fate.

I'm surprised when the first person I see is Hale. He's sitting at the counter, a scowl covering his beautiful face- wait a moment. His face isn't beautiful. What's wrong with me?

In efforts to lessen my punishment, I kneel down at Hale's feet, in his vision. Within seconds, I feel his eyes bore into my skull.

"I'm sorry for trying to run away, Sir. It was a mistake and I'll never do it again." I keep my head looking down at the ground.

"I never said you could speak. And I know you will never try to run away again. Not after the lesson you'll soon receive."

After the lesson I'll soon receive? I'm in for it. But, I will try again. The next time the Supreme City contacts me, I will run again. But then, I won't get caught.

Gabriel sets down a bowl of oatmeal in front of me.

"You better eat up. You'll need the energy." Gabriel says and walks back to what I assume is the stove.

"But there are no utensils." I protest.

"You'll be eating without them. And you better hurry up. The longer I have to wait, the longer the punishment."

I quickly dive my face into the oatmeal. I'm hungry, and from Hale's tone, I know for sure I'm going to need the energy.

I finish roughly 5 minutes later. Hale grabs my bag off the stool next to him, and pulls me up by my hair. He leads me to the car, and I quickly get in.

The ride to his house is spent in silence. When we get there, he grabs me by my hair again and pulls me into the playroom.

"Strip," he commands.

Not wanting to anger him anymore than he already was, I pulled the dress off.

"The bra and panties too," he held out his hands for my clothes.

I reluctantly took off my bra and panties and handed them to him. When he received the panties, he ripped them in half.

"This symbolizes your freedom at the moment. You have none. You will not wear clothes unless I let you. You will not speak unless I let you. The only words in your vocabulary are Yes, Master. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master." I quickly reply. I don't like calling him master. But who knows what will happen if I don't listen to him.

"No eye contact. No questions. No moving unless I tell you to. Understand?"

"Yes Master."

"Good." He walks over to the wall of pain and pulls off a junior cane. It's skimpy, but stings like the devil and covers you in tiny welts.

"Bend over and grab your ankles."

Gabriel was right, I'm not going to like this punishment one bit.

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