Chapter Thirteen

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       She looked over her shoulder and screamed as the infected, glistening in the moonlight, leapt for her. Shaken by fear, she missed her steps and fell to the ground, rolling forward a few times. The infected took a swipe at her as soon as it caught up, missing her by inches. Smelly saliva poured over her and made her shudder, her eyes shut tight. Silent prayers escaped from her lips reflexively.
Something, not anger not pity, something he couldn't place his finger on, panged in Bob's heart as he turned around with a fierce low growl that rumbled into a larger one. He dove for the infected while its arm was raised, poised to strike Kelly again. Grabbing the infected by its raised arm, he dragged it with inhuman strength and flung it away.

   Shawn had a huge stone in his hand already and slammed it down on the thing's head. It didn't budge at first until he stomped on the stone, causing it to drop with a squelch and splatter gooey ooze. It's flailing arms finally dropped to the ground.

"Are you okay?" He asked Kelly who was being helped to her feet by Bob.

"Yeah, I'm fine" She replied grimly but clutched her abdomen and winced, showing she wasn't.
Bob took her arm and helped her along, her legs still rubbery from the shock.

  Shawn hurried them on, "come on guys, I don't think it's safe out here. Almost immediately, as if acknowledging that, a low growl rose up from among the bushes.
Kelly draped her arm around Bob, leaning on him and he bore her weight as they hobbled along as fast as they could. Shawn clutched the stone in his hand tightly knowing that it wouldn't do much against any of the prowlers in the dark.

    Something rose up in the dark, coming at them with full throttle. Shawn hurled the stone at it and watched the stone bounce off the thing's bloodied head. He was more intent on getting them to the house than picking up more stones so he put Kelly's other arm around him and between them, they moved quickly to them dull red farmhouse. More prowlers were on their tail now, the really fast ones running and snarling with feral hunger.

    Suddenly, as one of them got its fingers on Shawn's jacket, a loud bang and a flash of light rang out from the top left window of the building. The prowler went down with a choked gurgle.

Somewhere up in the house, a shrill, quavery voice shouted, "That'll teach y'all to get on my land, sh*#faced, mother-bleeding-f&%$@rs."
A figure appeared at the doorway, illuminated by light from inside the house. Shawn, Bob and Kelly were ushered in. Bob dropped to the carpeted floor as the man relatched the deadbolts. Seconds later, the door shook with incessant poundings and more gunshots and cussing were belted out from upstairs. The drumming ended shortly after.on a user

"You're a lifesaver, man!" Shawn said, not bothering to offer his hand for a handshake. It was as dirty as a skunk's behind.

"Y'all really really need a bath" The guy replied, scanning them and deciding they were okay, he flashing a set of slightly browned teeth in a nervous smile. He was black and had a voice was profoundly African, tainted slightly by a thick Texan accent. He scrunched up his nose at the foul smelling breeze that blew in with the three of them.

A fat, black woman came down the wooden stairs, clad in a nightgown and had on bunny bedroom slippers. She looked to be in her late fifties and thankfully had left her rifle upstairs.

"What y'all doing in my house, eh?"

The guy rolled his eyes and turned to her, "Calm down, mom."

She eyed him like he were the devil's spawn, " Calm down fo' wha' ? Y'all come inna my house smelling like a g@%&&*n dumpster, y'all have your dirty, smelly feet on my carpet, bless poor Mrs. Durham's soul" Her arms were across her chest, " 'n' you expect me to calm down?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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Resurrection (A zombie novel) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now