Chapter Nine

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*Surprised, You came back for more? You're too cool!

I listened to Enya's Only time while writing this chapter and I recommend listening to it while reading this. It's an all-time fave BTW.

A full playlist will be put up later although I don't know what that means, mind explaining?? NVM. Just enjoy!

♥ and ★. √


Man must sleep

Man must lie

Even in the midst of dread

Man must rest his head

Or Mustn't he?


He found himself in an open field full of flowers of different radiant colors, the air was scented like a perfume bottle.

He felt the urge to run through the field and he let himself go, running running cautionlessly.

He giggled childishly and ran his hand through the yellow flowers by his side.

The scent swam up his nostrils and massaged his brains, he felt lightheaded, care free.

He didn't know why but he was happy, as happy a lunatic freed from his straitjacket for the first time.

Then thunder struck and singed a part of the field sending it to flames. He nearly cried, Why? He thought. He plucked as many flowers as he could and put them in the crook of his folded arms. Then, the earth rumbled, a deep vibration like a man after a hearty meal.

The ground shifted and slipped out from under his feet. It rose up to meet the sky, the flames burned brightly and he shielded his eyes with a vain thought that it will somehow prevent the scorching heat. He looked up perplexed, how did the ground touch the sky. The blackness below him swallowed all the flowers that fell out of his arms but he remained on top, it felt like glass beneath his body


All the flowers withered suddenly to a grayish color and as they fell on him, they burned him but he was least concerned about the burn instead he kept wondering where the color went, why the ground was up instead of down, there was a perplexed look on his face "No", he said, each chant slightly higher than the previous , "no no no no..."

Shawn was yelling when he woke up,"no no no no".

He entered into dry coughing fits as his throat threatened to tear open from lack of water.

He tried to sit up but couldn't, his vision was blurred and his head swirled. The air smelled of decomposition and burning rubber. A raven cawed overhead.

The blinding light caused him to squint, he tried to move his hand to cover his eyes but it was unresponsive. It felt like lead. Then he remembered where he was as everything rushed back in an instant.

His head pounded as memories flooded him and each scene fought bravely to be the first one to be acknowledged. A blacksmith was hidden somewhere in his head, pounding hot iron with all fury and intensity. He tried to cry out but the sound that escaped his lips was no louder than the thud of a rose flower, fallen from the hands of a broken hearted girl .

The jeep. Overturned.

The details of each scene returned like faint droplets of coffee on a man's shirt. His memories were still a jumbled mass of yesterday or the day before, however long he had passed out. The seat belt held him to the chair but his arms and legs were twisted bizarrely in front of him. He moved his fingers slowly, working blood back into them as his eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight.

Resurrection (A zombie novel) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now