Chapter Two.

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Shawn stared into the room with shock written boldly all over his face. His blood was frozen,tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.Whoever the patient was had clearly wanted to bleed himself to death.
Blood was streaked across every surface in the room and pooled inside the operation tube or whatever it was, giving a purple colour as the blue glowing light inside of the tube met with it. The doctors were covered in blood, they must have gathered around the patient when he exploded into a fitful rage. Perharps he didn't like crowds.
One doctor of the four that were in there ordered that the tube be closed and so it was closed.

The room looked a lot like a detoxification chamber with all manner of wires and pipes running around in there. He saw a man inside a glowing tube and guessed that was the patient. All the doctors ran about in confusion and seemed to have lost all sense of orderliness."Maybe they were secretly orderly in organized confusion or something",Shawn thought to himself.

The man in the tube was crazy,he kept banging his head against the glass tube.Bleeding and not seeming to care about it, he kept on.
As Shawn watched, the doctor that had come in with the young doctor ordered the temperature to be reduced drastically."Now", he barked. If words were knives, the young doctor that stood horrified would have been carried out in a body bag.
As the young doctor turned to a computer attached to the temperature control machine,the doctor who assigned him to, took charge, issuing commands and checking IV tubes.

Shawn was seeing the inside of what was an operation theater for the first time and he gaped in awe.
How did doctors still enjoy eating meat? Dam! The doctor pressed a button on the e-chart for monitoring the patient's vitals and the tube that encased the man slowly slid away with a whoosh sound, cold air pouring out of the tube or whatever it was, like those things people used for MRI scans, only much more sophisticated. He watched as the doctor proceeded to stab the patient with an injection then pump some gold coloured liquid into the patient's body.

The man in the tube relaxed immediately, his tense muscles dissipating all the energy that was in them. The younger doctor sighed in relief and leaned back against the wall. As the doctor turned to him,a cold soul piercing glare in his eyes,Shawn knew that the show was over and his backstage passes had just been cancelled.
"Alright,I'm leaving already....I'll be right down the hall,outside that door...minding my business", he said, hands up in mock surrender. He backtracked for about five steps before he turned to leave.

He stood outside the door dutifully, pondering what he had seen when he heard what seemed like struggle inside. He peered through the tinted glass scrutinizingly but the hallway was empty and he didn't want to diaobey the doctor's order to stay outside.Let the doctors do their job.The noise continued and Shawn knew it wasn't only four doctors that were in there. He decided to go in anyway.

Entering into the hallway, he heard voices coming from behind the walls. A quick scan failed to give away the secret doors. He listened closely, the voices sounded like snarls and grunts. Someone in one of the rooms was hitting his body against the wall where a door should have been. He proceeded carefully up to the door debating whether to knock or not to. They might just be doing their jobs and he had been ordered to stay out.
He lifted up his hand to the door,letting it hang in the air.

He decided to knock,but his hand didn't connect with the door as it was flung wide open from the inside.The doctor barreled past him out into the hallway. It was the same one that had run out to fetch the other doctor before. Were all doctors this crazy or this was an isolated incident?

"Hey, watch it....what's up with you?"He called out to the fleeing doctor. Receiving no response,he walked into the room. All the doctors must have gone crazy in these last few minutes. The three doctors in the room were as stiff as the statue of liberty.
There was a surprised,horrified look on all their faces. Shawn snorted,this was a joke right?

He inched closer to one of the doctors and touched, tickled. No response,the doctor was as stiff as a dead body after rigor mortis had set in. Cruel joke. The doctors all had something crawling underneath their skins moving from their foreheads to their arms in no particular order. They looked cold and shivered, no, more like vibrated. He walked to the head of the tube and looked at the patient."Bloody hell no",he gasped,blood racing, he began to sense danger; something was wrong,this was really really bad.

The torso of the patient, or whatever was left of him had been torn open, more like exploded open as if someone had attached C-4 explosives to his trunk and blown him up. His intestines had been reduced to a jumbled mass of gooey, blackish, rotting flesh. Shawn gagged, tasting the morning's coffee at the back of his throat.
Surprisingly,the patient jerked awake, snapping and growling. His eyes were sunken,bloodless.
He was supposed to be dead, Shawn thought, how could anyone survive having his insides torn open? Shawn was confused, his mind racing at the speed of light. His brain flooded with too many thoughts and he didn't know which one to start from.

Something splattered on Shawn, jolting him out if his reverie. His hand instinctively went to the transmission radio attached to his belt as he turned round. His blood ran cold for the umpteenth time, adrenaline rush making him feel light-headed. He froze in place, afraid that even the slightest movement would carry grave consequences.

The doctors looked as dead as the blown up man he had been staring at a few seconds ago.They looked without seeing, a scraping, screechy sound coming from their throats. The one closest to him, near the foot of the operation tube sniffed the air inhumanly with its mouth open, drooling saliva out of the corners of its mouth.
The stench was unbearable. They smelled dead and decomposed. The other two doctors were wandering aimlessly to different corners of the room and Shawn decided to get out of there.

He inched past the doctor near the bed as it probably perceived Shawn and leaned towards him, a blank, lost look in his eyes.

  "Like my cologne?", Shawn said in his mind while taking tentative, silent steps past. He had gotten to the door and was reaching for the doorknob when his leg hit something hard.

The stainless steel tray with all the surgical equipment clattered to the floor making a much too loud racket for his silent escape."Hope,I didn't wake any sleeping babies?", he muttered looking over his shoulder."Oh shit,shit, shit...what the...". He didn't complete his statement as the doctor lunged at him.


Stay away from ME!!!

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Hope y'all like??It looked much better in my head.More drama/adventure coming.Please stick around and let me know how well I'm doing.Tell your friends about it, don't forget to vote,comment and share. Thanks and God bless.

Resurrection (A zombie novel) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now