Bonus Chapter

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"You have done well, Kylo Ren. Your training is nearly complete."

Kylo Ren looked up at his Master, one knee touching the floor. Forteen years had passed since the Jedi Academies had been destroyed, and there wasn't a day that went by that he hadn't thought of Rey. As much as Supreme Leader tried to cover his feeling, he still felt them.

"All by your grace, Supreme Leader. You are wise." He said humbly.

Snoke chuckled. "I have good news."

Kylo Ren felt the excitement build around Snoke, and he knew something was up.

"The resistance has located a map that leads straight to your uncle. Luke Skywalker."

Kylo Ren's heart jumped, but he maintained a cool façade.

"The map has been sent to a system along the Western regions into the hands of a trusted ally of the Resistance. You will lead a team of fighters there, and take the map."

Kylo Ren dipped his head down. "Tell me where I must go, and I will do as you command."

"The planet the map is located called Jakku."

Kylo Ren's breath hitched, and he looked down, hiding his face, and that's when he felt it..........the pull to the light.

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