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The ship touched down on Corellia, and Ben grabbed his staff, looking back at Jorg.

"Wait for me. I won't be long." He told him, then marched down the ramp.

It was night, and no one in the academy was awake, so Ben knew exactly where to go. He padded through the soft grass outback, making his way towards the Jedi chambers, but when he checked Luke's room, he wasn't there. Ben's eyebrows furrowed together, and he glided back down the hall, and onto the grass again. He made it halfway across the lawn when Ben sensed a presence behind him. He turned, and narrowed his eyes.

"You lied to me." Ben accused.

"Did you find the temple?" Luke asked, looking confused.

"I found it. I found something else though...."

"What did you find?" Luke genuinely looked like he had no idea what was going on, and it infuriated Ben.

"Why did you send me there?" Ben's teeth ground together, as he began to loose his cool.

"To face your fears. These visions of yours will lead you down a path you don't want to follow." Luke said gravely.

"The path to the Dark side?" Ben interjected quickly, watching Luke's reaction.

Luke swallowed. "Who told you of that?"

"Who was my grandfather, Luke?" Ben spat.

Luke was silent as he stared fearfully at Ben.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was trying to protect you-" Luke began, his voice was but a whisper.

"From what? From myself?" Ben said angrily.

Again, Luke said nothing.

"You've seen visions haven't you? Visions of me?"

Luke shook his head. "They do not have to come to pass, Ben."

"But they will!" Ben shouted, his vision coloring. "Won't they?" He breathed the last part.

Luke clenched his jaw together.

Ben shook his head, looking at the ground as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"He was right.......about everything." Ben whispered to himself.

"Your grandfather murdered good people. I did what I had to, Ben." Luke growled.

"Have the Jedi not done the same for their own cause?" Ben hissed.

Luke's face grew red. "That is enough! I will hear no mo-"

Ben's anger flared up, and suddenly, Luke started to choke. He rose from the ground, and Ben didn't realize what was going on because he was so blinded by his rage. Ben could feel the black cloud cover his mind, his thoughts growing dark. Luke grabbed at his neck frantically, and a sinister smile crept up on Ben's lips.

Realization hit, and Ben stumbled backwards, releasing Luke, and he fell to the ground, hacking and coughing. Ben started to hyperventilate. Had he just done that? He shook his head in disbelief.

Luke looked up at him from his hands and knees, pain and sadness in his eyes.

"If you go down this path, everything you've ever seen will come true." Luke said, his voice raspy. "I have failed you." He whispered in dispair.

"I have failed you.".............."Come back!"

"Where is Rey?" He breathed, fear suddenly gripping him.

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