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"Is this it?" Ben asked, staring out the window at the dark planet.

"It is, Master Solo." His pilot, Jorg said.

"Don't call me that."

Jorg looked over at him. "What should I call you?"


Jorg nodded. "Alright. Ben."

They rode in silence as they entered the atmosphere, black clouds enveloping the ship. They got clear of the couds, and Jorg turned on all the ships high beams to see around them. It was utterly dim, and according to the scanners, it should be mid afternoon.

The ship glided smoothly towards the ground, then landed. Ben unfastened his harness, and stood, heading for his bags.

"How long are we going to be here?" Ben asked, looking at Jorg.

"Master Skywalker said we can't leave til you've found the Jedi temple."

"How does he know there even is one?"

Jorg shrugged. "I don't know. I'm just following orders."

"Following orders." Ben mumbled to himself.

"Open the doors." He told Jorg.

Ben walked down the ramp, and stepped onto the ground. He was surprised to see a type of grass covering the ground, and shapes that resembled plants all around him. He didn't think anything lived here.

He looked around, pondering how he was to find this Jedi temple in such dark conditions. He reached inside his shoulder bag, and pulled out the P12 light he had put in there, and turned it on. The space around him lit up, and he hooked it to his belt. Taking his staff, he started forwards into the dark jungle.


"Jorg." Ben called over the com.

"What do you need?"

"Can you send me my location on the area map?"

"Sure thing."

He opened the message, and searched the area around, trying to figure out where exactly he was. He was trying to find a location that would look like it would harbor a temple, and found an area about 5 miles away that looked promising.

He tucked the com away in his bag. "OK, let's get this over with."

He set off, only stopping to get a drink of water, or rest his legs. Several times he had to duck behind something to hide himself from a strange, horrying looking creature, but he sensed them though long before they could even sense him.

The planet looked menacing the more he ventured in. He almost got eaten by several plants along the way as well, but managed to get away some how. Why Luke thought it would be a good idea to send him here, Ben didn't know.

He finally made it to the place on his map that he had located earlier. He couldn't see it all that well, and gaging by how tired he was, and how completely pitch black it had gotten, it was night time.

He started forwards, going between, what looked like, two pillars. There was a narrow path between the two rocks, and it went on for a good while. He finally came to a clearing, and a thick fog rested over it. He pointed his P12 light upwards and found that he was under solid rock, probably in a cave. He went in further, and further, until he noticed a dim light out of the fog. It was orange, and it flickered across the rock, so he guessed that it was a fire. He moved in closer, holding his staff up to protect himself. His footsteps were silent as he got closer, and closer. He neared the fire, and found no else there. He got closer to the flames, feeling the warmth wash over him, and he shivered. The lack of sun on this planet made it quite cold. He searched around him again, knowing that the fire didn't start itself.

"You won't be needing that."

Ben turned around, his staff pulled up to his chest as he faced a hooded figure behind him.

"Who are you?"

The figured chuckled. "No threat to you, boy. Please, sit down."

The figure moved towards the fire, and slowly sank down to the ground, legs crossed. It took Ben a moment to move, but when he did, he sat opposite of the figure.

"What is your name, boy?" The figure asked.

"Ben. Ben Solo." He said cautiously.

"Hmmmm." The figured mumbled something that Ben couldn't hear.

"And who are you?" Ben inquired.

"Me? Oh, no one of importance. How did a young man like yourself come to Umbara?" The figure tilted their head up, and Ben caught glimpse of sickly, pale white skin underneath the hood of their cloak.

"I'm training to be a Jedi. My master sent me here." Ben said slowly.

"A Jedi? How amusing.......and why is it that you were sent here?"

"To find the Jedi temple. My master said there was one here."

"Well, my dear Ben, you are in the Jedi temple."

Ben sat back, then swiveled his head all around. It was only then that he realized he was within a structure, carved, and shaped. He mentally kicked himself for not being more observant.

"You live here?" Ben suddenly asked.

"No. Just visiting. Like you." Then figured raised its hand, and pointed a withered, old finger at him. "You're afraid." The figured whispered, sounding more like they were thinking out loud.

Ben said nothing, and stared into the shadows of the cloak's hood, trying to catch a glimpse of who was underneath.

"Come. Rest. You've had a long journey."

Ben narrowed his eyes. "How can I trust you?"

The figure chuckled. "I suppose you can't, but I can promise you no harm will come to you under my watch."

Ben felt oddly comfortable, and at peace for some reason. He did trust the hooded figure.

Ben sighed, then pulled a blanket out from his pack, and set it on the ground underneath him, and quickly drifted off to sleep.

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