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Ben tightened every muscle in his body, clearing his mind as he focused. Slowly, he began to raise his other hand off the ground, balancing his weight all on one hand.

"Good. Now take this cup from my hand, and set it on that rock." Luke comanded.

Ben closed his eyes, using the Force to locate the cup in Luke's hand. The cup lifted into the air slowly, floating over to the rock next to him.

"In order to use the full power of the Force, you must have no fear." Luke instructed.

Ben was almost to the rock, but then one of his visions flashed in his head again and he lost his balance, toppling to the ground.

Luke sighed. "You've trained hard. Rest for the night."

"Yes, master." Ben stood, dusting himself off.

He went over to grab his shirt and pulled it on, then he grabbed his staff.

"I sense that you have many doubts inside you Ben." Luke commented, stopping Ben from leaving.

Ben looked down at Luke still sitting on the ground.

"You must trust your feelings."

"I trust your teachings." Ben replied quickly.

"I will not always be around to guide you. You have to learn to discern for yourself right and wrong." Luke's voice was sincere, and caring.

"Yes, Master." Ben bowed, then walked away.


Ben awoke again from his dreams, his room still dark. He rubbed his face, and attempted to fall back to sleep, but failed. His mind was too awake. He needed somewhere to think.

He grabbed his staff and walked the halls, down the steps of the academy, then made his way to the waterfall. When he had sat down, he crossed his legs and closed his eyes, clearing his mind. He used the Force, letting it flow freely.

Ben had almost completely cleared his mind, when he sensed another presence. Ben's eyes flew open and he reached over for his staff. He stood, looking in the direction that he had felt the presence.

"Who's there?" He called.

The woods were still dark, but he could see rather well. There was a small rustle, then a little thump. Ben waited patiently, his grip on his staff tightening.

The movement stopped and Ben watched as a small face peered out from behind a tree near the clearing. It was a small girl, maybe five years old.

Ben let out his breath that he didn't realize he had been holding.

"Its alright. You can come out." He called to her.

When she didn't move, he kneeled down, setting his staff on the ground again.

"I won't hurt you." He said gently.

The girl watched him closely, and when she saw his staff on the ground, she slowly stepped out from behind the tree. She had chocolate brown hair that was pulled back into several braids and she was wearing a long, dark purple night dress with a flower sewn on it. Her skin was tan, but still porcelain looking in a way. She stared curiously at him, her dark hazel eyes sparkling in the moonlight.

Ben watched her, bemused by the little girl. She was very beautiful for a child, and very young. Ben hadn't had much experience dealing with younger children.

"What's your name?" Ben decided to ask.

"Rey." She said quietly.

Ben pondered it a moment, then stood. "What are you doing all the way out here, Rey? Won't your parents be worried?"

Dark Side - A Star Wars StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin