Dealing with Death

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Authors Note, 10-31-17: I'm excited to rewrite the darkest story in this book. Keep on keeping on.

Ezra ducked to avoid being decapitated by the 7th Sister's red lightsaber, an amazingly designed one at that. Kanan was all tied up with the 5th Brother's crushing strikes, and even Sabine and Zeb were busy defending against stormtroopers. Ezra saw the attack coming in from the right, he defended against the blade and pushed it aside, setting up his own attack. He struck the uppermost blade, then twisted his arms down to attack the lower. The Seventh Sister activated the spin feature on her saber, creating a wall between the two. Ezra was going to attack again, until he heard Hera comm the team.

"Ghost Crew, we've got a few friends incoming!!" Her static voice shouted, Ezra could hear the rumbling behind him, all of them could. Even the Imperial enemies turned around.

"Красная Армия , нападение !!" (Red Army, attack!!) A loud, low voice boomed. There were 3 Clone Turbo Tanks and 25 modded Imperial Troop Transports incoming, the voice had came from a man decked out in a heavy trench coat and Stormtrooper armor, red decals painted throughout. The barrage of blaster fire and bullets came flying by the 4 rebels, they instinctively hit the deck, covering their heads. The transports stopped, and a hundred soldiers came rushing out, most dressed in normal clothes with Stormtrooper armor fastened about their bodies. The leader, the man with the low voice, ran faster than them all, leading them into battle. Imperial stormtroopers dropped like flies as the mass of red and white ran at them. All of them, including the 2 Inquisitors, ran for all they were worth.

"ха-ха ! бежать вам трусами" (Haha! Flee you cowards!!) The leader bellowed. The crew got up to face him, they were angry, but pleased at the same time.

"Hey man, thanks a lot!" Ezra said, offering his hand. The man looked at him through his helmet, then looked at the mando girl behind him, who was instinctively laughing.

"Ezra, I got this!" She laughed, pushing him aside.

"привет сэр, большое спасибо !" (Greetings sir, thank you very much!) Sabine said cheerfully.

"И, наконец , кто-то меня понимает ! вы можете девочка." (Finally, someone understands me! You're welcome girl.) The leader said, shaking her hand.

"Uh, what's your name? Who are you?" Kanan asked. Sabine translated.

"хорошо знать ваших союзников . Я Чернов Bleski , лидер моей собственной Красной Армии !" (Good to know your allies. I am Chernov Bleski, the leader of the Red Army!) He said. Kanan nodded in aproval.

"I like him!" Zeb whispered, clutching his Bow-rifle. Kanan smiled and nodded again.

"Well, thank you for helping his Cherno-" Ezra began, but was cut off by the distinct sound of an Imperial Pulse Rifle discharging. The crew looked around for a while, before one of Chernov's Troopers screamed-

"Oh my god!!" The soldier ran to Ezra, who had collapsed when the shot hit him in the chest, dead center. Sabine screamed and ran to the aid of her fallen partner. Chernov barked out orders that Sabine understood as

"Find the sniper and bring him here, and contact the damn Twi'lek!! We need evacuation as soon as possible!"

She and Zeb lifted him, carrying him like a bride, Sabine held him the same way on his opposite side.

"Hang on buddy! We'll get you help, HERA!!!" Zeb shouted, his voice starting to increase in pitch. The Ghost came into view just seconds later. As it turns out, Chernov's trooper had contacted Hera and described what had happened in less than a minute. As it came in for a landing, Kanan accessed the force to levitate Zeb, Sabine, and the fading Ezra up to the ramp. He jumped in and rushed Ezra to the med bay.

A few hours later...

Sabine sat in anticipation, wondering what would become of her friend. Kanan and Zeb both were sitting in the room, Hera suggested that she wait outside so she didn't see what had to happen. She heard the sound of the door whoosh open, and Zeb emerged.

"Zeb!? Is he ok?" She asked frantically, shooting up. Zeb just looked at her, he blinked once, and then she noticed Chopper behind him. She entered the room, and Kanan's face answered her question. She fell to her knees, tears already pouring down her face. Hera knelt down and hugged her, then Kanan, Zeb, and finally Chopper's metallic ligament.

"His last wish was to tell you that he loved you, and to forgive him." Hera whispered. Sabine didn't reply.

Two days later.

They had buried Ezra near his tower on Lothal, and Chernov had captured the sniper. They had him now.

Sabine slammed her fist down on the table, making him smile.

"WHY!?" She screamed. The sniper only smiled.

"Good soldier follow orders, Mando lady, nothing more than that." He replied. She punched him again, but it did not hurt as much as it did the first 200 times. Chernov was in the room too, he had ordered not only the battalion he had rescued the crew with, but his whole army and accompanying navy that spanned 13 systems after the Imperial blockade of Lothal as well as the rouge sniper. Needless to say it was obliterated in less than a rotation. Chernov barked out something in Russian and slapped the sniper.

"What's the matter big guy? You mad?" He asked. Chernov practically threw himself on top of him, punching faster than Sabine could see. After the flury of punches stopped, the sniper rolled over and gasped for air, tears forming.

"я закрыл его" (I shut him up.) He said, crossing his arms. The trooper was assisted upright by two of Chernov's elite guard, and then he screamed.

"Aaaaaah, ow, ow, ow!!!!"
Sabine and Chernov smiled, the first time she had done so in three days.

"Y-you're sick..." He groaned. Sabine was going to reply, but she heard the familiar sound of a blaster being pulled from Chernov's belt. He spun it around his finger and handed it to Sabine, who demanded they leave the room, she also took Chernov's vibro-knife. As they left, all emotions dropped from the young woman, replaced by the red death that was hatred and... revenge.

For Ezra

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