Painting random stuff!!

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October 30, 2017

March 27th, 2016 is the day I wrote this, I'm just doing revisions. Damn, it's already October 30, 2017

October 30, 2020 

Three years later. Halloween is tomorrow, The Mandalorian Season 2 comes out in 2 hours. And so do I (jk I am het, this was a dumb joke by my friend who I am on discord with). Enjoy.

Two weeks. Fourteen days. A fortnight. It had been that long since Ezra and Sabine had waived off their crew to brave night on Imperial occupied Lothal. Two weeks since he had confessed. Two weeks since she confessed. Two weeks since they had rented out that room. Two weeks since they had shared a bed and woke up the next morning in each other's arms. This was the only thing that he had thought about for two weeks. Ezra let out a long, dramatic sigh, swallowed hard and looked up at the painted door looming before him, like a guardian to a forbidden garden that he badly wanted to enter, but couldn't. She had made him a promise that night, and the young Jedi was sure as shab not going to let the opportunity slip away from him. He clenched his fist and raised it against the durasteel. 

"Sabine!" He bellowed, knocking on her door. Ezra wasn't sure how thick the door was, he was surely overdoing it with his hollering, but at this point, he didn't much care. He just wanted to see her.

"Come in!" She yelled back. A sly grin bloomed in the corner of his lips as he hit the door's control panel and entered her room, and was immediately taken aback by exactly how much more paint had been spread out all over the wall. Murals on the door and scatter sporadically throughout the ship? Of course, but here? Every inch was covered, the dancing colors caused a warm shiver to creep up his spine. For once, he was speechless. The Jedi must have been gawking for a little too long, because Sabine audibly cleared her throat to get his attention not soon after. 

"You alright, Bridger?"

"Aha, yeah," He blurted out awkwardly, focusing all of his attention on the Mandalorian before him "do you remember when you said you wanted to teach me how to paint?" Her face lit up and her aloof demeanor disappeared as an excited grin spread appeared. She perked up and grabbed a bottle of spray paint from off the floor, checking the nozzle's true color and beginning to rapidly rattle the can.

"Yes, of course! I was just waiting for you to remember," Sabine replied, her tone dipping into what sounded like disappointment as she finished her thought, "I was starting to think you'd never show." Ezra let the thought of her thinking of him sink in and smiled wryly at her, playfully punching her on the arm. 

"I wouldn't miss it for all the credits in the galaxy, Wren. Is this a good time?" He asked in a sultry voice. She blushed and snickered, returning the playful punch with her free hand.

"Smooth, Bridger. Yeah, here, I started something a while ago, but I got caught up with everything. You know, inquisitors and all." She reached behind her bunk, and pulled a lever. A compartment next to her bed dropped open, and a half painted beskar helmet rolled out. Ezra's jaw dropped, he had run across very few Mandalorians in his life, nor had he seen a helmet as rare as this one without a proper owner. His mouth watered as he though that he could possibly be that owner, depending on the young Mandalorian teen's wishes.

[Matt's Note 10/30/2020, this fic was obviously written well before The Mandalorian, and even then, Sabine follows a different creed than Din, so this could still technically happen, therefore I will be leaving it as is, aside from touching up on canon properties and grammar.]

"How did you..." He muttered, trailing off as the dim overheads bounced off the still shiny parts of the helmet.

"It belonged to my father... he never used his armor, he preferred to use words and knowledge as weapons... he was true to his word so... I kind of stole it?" She replied, thinking back to the night she fled, and the terrible things the Empire had made her father do. All those people...

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