Chapter 11: (Grace's POV)

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Misha and I talk on the phone for several minutes. He tells me how he found my necklace. I kind of zone out though because it's almost too hard to believe that I'm having a conversation with Misha Collins.

I tell him what hotel Sophia, Angie, and I are staying at.

"Alrighty, I'll be there in about ten minutes!" Misha replies.

"Ok, see you soon!" I answer.

The whole time while talking with Misha I couldn't stop grinning.

I sit there for a minute, taking it all in.

Realizing he will be here any minute, I rush to the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup.
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"How do I look?" I ask Angie nervously.

Her and Sophia were sitting on my bed, excitedly talking about Misha.

"Oh, you look great!" she answers, looking back at me.

Before I know it, I hear a knock at the hotel room's door. We all look at each other with an excited look. I run to the door, but before opening it, I take a deep breath. I pull the knob to the right and slowly open it.

Misha is standing there with a cute smirk on his face.

"Hey Grace!" he says, walking in, opening his arms to pull me into a hug. I hug him back, in too much shock to even speak.

"Hi, Misha!" I reply, with an ear to ear smile. He reaches toward his pocket to pull out my necklace. I gently take it out of his hands, relived to have it again.

"Thanks so much!" I exclaim. "It was really nice of you to bring it over."

I almost forget that Sophia and Angie are standing behind me.

"Uh, this is Angie and this is Sophie." I say to Misha, pointing to my two friends.

"We met you, too!" Sophia exclaims. I can tell she's trying very hard not to run up and jump in his arms.

"Oh yeah! I remember you!" Misha replies.

With a smile on his face he asks me, "Oh, and uh..Grace, I was wondering if you'd like to go out and eat dinner with me?"

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