Chapter 56: (Third Person)

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Grace lies unconscious, her head cut and bleeding. Misha struggles to unbuckle his seatbelt while crying at the sight of Grace's limp body. He can already feel a bruise forming on his ribs. With much effort, he pulls himself out of the demolished car.

"Gracie...oh God Gracie. Please be okay." Misha whispers, gently pulling her out of the car and carrying her over to the side of the road. He pulls out his phone and quickly calls 911.

"What is your emergency?" a lady asks.

"My car..I wrecked it into a tree. And my girlfriend...she's hurt. Please hurry. We're on route 70." Misha manages to say through sobs.

"Help is on the way." she answers.

Misha sets his phone and holds onto Grace, pushing the strands of hair out of her face. He knows she's breathing, but she looks in horrible condition. Her skin was bruising just below her eye, and her head was cut very badly. The glass shattered and stuck in some parts of her skin. Misha holds her hand and waits for help.

Minutes later, two ambulances arrive and the medics rush out with a stretcher. They lift Grace onto it and check to see if Misha's okay. The drive back to the hospital is a heartbreaking scene. Misha sobs as he gets a better look of Grace's unconscious body.
Grace gets quickly rushed to an emergency room. Misha gets placed in another room, and finds out he has two bruised ribs.

When Misha gets properly bandaged and takes some pain medicine, the doctor agrees to let him visit Grace.

"She's unconscious, although fairly stable. She has a mild concussion, a fractured shoulder, and several bruised ribs." the nurses tell Misha.

He nods and walks in the room. Grace lies peacefully on the hospital bed.

"Grace..sweetie." Misha whispers, taking a seat next to Grace.

He grabs her hand just as she stirs in her unconsciousness, mumbling something about a baby....

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