Chapter 25: (Misha's POV)

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Grace is overly busy with her finals, but starting to study for them. She stares stressfully at a question, an easy one. However, she's so exhausted she forgets the simple formula.

What is the circumference of the circle pictured above?

She circles letter C, partially guessing, partially actually knowing it. After a while, class is over, and she continues throughout her day.

Misha is sitting at one of his panels, answering questions from fans.

One asks, "Do you ship Destiel?"

He laughs quietly, remembering Grace's fanfiction.

"I think Dean and Castiel do have a more profound bond." he answers, quoting Cas.

The teenage girl that asked the question giggles, and returns to her seat.

The whole comic con ends an hour or so later, and Misha stops by Grace's house, excited to hear some more of her story.

Grace walks up to her house by 3:00, heading up to her room, and finish reading some chapters of her other textbook. Testing is almost over, she thinks happily.

Then, she finishes her homework and writes some more fanfiction.

Grace's usual schedule when she is home.

Misha knocks on her door, a gift in his pocket for her. She runs down a set of stairs and opens the door, a happy expression on her face realizing it's Misha.

"Yay you came!" Grace almost yells. Misha lifts her slightly off of the ground while giving he a hug.

He gently sets her down and pulls something from his pocket. A ticket. "

What's this?" Grace asks, grabbing the piece of paper.

"It's a ticket to an amusement park for this weekend. I promised you a first date soon." Misha replies, a smile appearing on his face.

"I can't wait!" she exclaims, kissing his cheek.

"But you promised to read some fanfiction to me.." he states, smirking.

"Oh, right.." she replies, laughing.

They walk upstairs and Grace grabs her laptop.

"Okay, I'm gonna just pick a random part in the story." she says, scrolling through her chapters.

Misha nods his head and gets comfortable, pulling a blanket over himself. Grace sits on the bed next to him and starts reading.

Castiel is sound asleep, his head rested on Dean's chest. Out of nowhere, Dean is thrashing around, yelling "NO! NO!" over and over again. Cas sits up and tries waking up Dean. "Dean, wake up!" he yells. Dean's eyes open, his green eyes watering. "What happened?!" Castiel asks, a bewildered look on his face. "I had a dream, that you died." he replies, suddenly breaking down. "It's okay, I'm right here." Cas whispers, holding him tight and kissing his cheek.

Grace starts to feel weird reading this around Misha, so she stops and looks over at him. His eyes are closed, and he is sleeping.

"Guess I bored you." she says, shutting off her laptop.

Misha rolls over and groggily replies, "I'm sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night." he replies, pulling her towards him.

She pulls her blankets over them, so the two of them are nice and cozy.

Grace buries her head in Misha's shoulder, and he wraps his arms around her

The two of them fall asleep.

A/N: I might do some third-person chapters here and there :)

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