Chapter 15: (Grace's POV)

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A lot happened today.

I lie in bed thinking about everything,

Misha kissing my cheek, calling me pretty, and hugging me. It's just so much to take in. He called me, of all people, pretty.

I can't stop feeling giddy about hanging out with him. And to top it all off, Misha said he he lived in Los Angeles, California, which is about an hour away from where I live.

Sophia and Angie keep saying "Oh my gosh I ship you two so hard".

But he's a celebrity..he doesn't just go around dating fans. That would be amazing though.

Anyways, we're leaving first thing in the morning. I try to get some sleep.

The alarm I set goes off around 6:15.

We have to leave early so we can make to the airport by 7:30. We should be home, in California, by around noon.

I wake Sophia and Angie up before picking out a outfit. I choose a pair of black skinny jeans, red Converse, and one one of my many band shirts.

It's 7:00 by the time I straighten my hair and pack everything into the car.

It's only  a twenty minute drive to the airport.

On the way there, Angie asks, "So are you gonna hang out with Misha when we get home?"

"I hope so." I respond meaningfully.

I've always loved Misha, obviously. But it's not so much like loving a celebrity anymore.

We arrive at the airport at 7:25, just in time, and get back onto the plane.

Luckily, the plane has wifi, so I quickly post all my pictures and videos from the comic con online.

My phone vibrates and I assume it's a  text from my mother, but when I check, it's from Misha.

Sophia looks over at the screen and squeals. Everyone on the plane stares at her.

"Aw, he texted you!" she says in a hight pitched voice. I giggle and read what he said:

"Hey Grace, I'll be in CA in two days. We could hang out again if you'd like!"

I text him back saying I'd love to.

Soon after, I put on my headphones and close my eyes. Before I know it, we've arrived in Sacramento. The three of us grab our luggage and exit the plane, getting a cab to drive us home.

I called my mom a half hour before we get home, so when we arrive I see her waiting outside with my dad, along with Sophia and Angie's parents as well.

We hop out of the car, quickly paying the driver, and excitedly run to our parents. I set my bags down to give my mother and father a hug.

"How was it?!" my dad asks, clearly ecstatic. He watched some episodes of Supernatural here and there, so he's a fan.

"I had so much fun. I couldn't have asked for a better time." I reply.

Then, my mom asks, "How was it meeting Misha?"

Sophia runs over to her and says, "Well, Grace lost her necklace at the convention center, but Misha found the number in it and returned it to her. Then, he asked her to eat dinner with him! Now she has his number and they're going to hang out in two days!"

My parents just look at us like we're crazy.

"It's true. I can't believe it myself." I tell them, grinning.

"Wow Grace! How did that even happen?!" my dad asks.

"I don't's a miracle." I answer.

Tear In My HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora