Chapter 5: (Grace's POV)

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My alarm clock instantly wakes me up.

It's 7:45.

I hop out of my bed screaming and shaking Sophia and Angie.

"WAKE UP!" I yell, so excited I can barely breathe.

They jerk out of bed with wide eyes. Angie rubs her eyes and yawns.

I quickly grab the outfit I picked out the night before - a "Team Free Will" shirt with a flannel overtop, along with my favorite pair of black leggings.

I try to our effort into my looks (so I can look decent in the photo ops) and straighten my naturally wavy hair.

By now, it's 8:30.

Angie helps me with my eyeliner, because I couldn't do it right in a million years.

We all make sure we have our phones and posters, and the three of us head out the door.

We hop in my jeep and start it up, my leg is shaking with excitement.

"I can't even right now." Sophia says.

I turn on the radio and finally we are driving to the convention center.

About 20 minutes later, we arrive at the crowded parking lot. Surprisingly, there aren't as many people here yet.

"Let get in fast so we can get in line!" Angie says, opening her car door and jumping out.

We all walk out of the car covered from head to toe in Supernatural  merchandise. I walk towards the double doors, stopping to get checked by the standard convention security, nothing big. After the check down, we jog to the large, crowded building.

It takes me a minute to take everything in. I am so nervous.

To pass the time, we take pictures  together and post them on our social media accounts.

I get my phone out as the line gets smaller and smaller. Before I know it, we are less than 10 feet from Jared.

He's wearing a blue flannel that's similar to mine.

I stare at him in awe, not believing that Jared Padalecki is so close to me.

Minutes pass by, and soon we're there.

"Hey sweetie!" Jared says to Sophia who is in front of Angie and I. They talk, hug, take a picture, and Sophia gets his autograph.

After Angie, I walk up to the table. "Nice shirt!" he says, standing up to give me a hug. My fangirl mode kicks in and I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me into an embrace that's lasts about 7 seconds.

My heart is pounding, and without realizing, I'm crying. He says, "Aw, don't cry!", and gives me a kiss on my forehead. HE KISSED MY FOREHEAD. I giggle and take a picture with him. He signs my poster and waves to me, saying "Bye!" I wave back.

Next up, Jensen. He smiles and at us as we walk up to him. He holds his arms out for a hug. I run up to him and jump into his arms. He picks me up no problem and laughs.

Jensen sets me down and I pull out my phone and take a selfie with him. We both make a funny face. Then, he signs the poster I have of him. He gives me one last hug before saying bye.

Lastly, Misha. Misha is my favorite in the Supernatural cast. I've been following him on all social media for almost 5 years now. I've written award winning fanfictions of him. And I have done G.I.S.H.W.E.S, Misha's scavenger hunt, for three years in a row.

I slowly walk closer to him, more nervous than I could ever be. Angie finishes up talking to Misha.

He flashes me a huge smile and walks out around the table. The security guards give him a look, since he's not really supposed to go outside his area. I run towards him and give him a big hug. He picks me up and spins me around. I start to cry even harder. I can't believe it's him!

"Hey sweetheart!" he says, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh my gosh, I love you so much!" I say, wrapping my arms around his waist, giving him another hug.

He touches the small of my back and poses for a picture. He picks me up bridal style for the second one. I can't help but giggle. I look at him and his eyes are so blue. I blush when he notices me staring at him. Misha laughs and signs my poster.

"Bye Misha!" I say, not wanting to leave.

"I'm gonna miss you!" he replies, smiling ear to ear.

I catch up to Sophia and Angie, not believing what had just happened.

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