Small Hiatus

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I really hate to say this, but I'm going to put this on haitus for around a week.
I know I rarely update, but for the last three weeks, I've been working on multiple one shots; even for other one shots that are for different series. Lately, I've been working on one shots for quite a few Death Note characters and I started one which had been requested, and I will continue with them once I feel I'm ready. (Just a spoiler, but for one them will be a lemon.)
The reason for this is, honestly, yesterday had been a depressing day for me, and I don't know if I'll feel better for a few days. I've had depression since I was still a child, and as I got into my teenage years, I understood how to deal with the feeling. The depression had been going down slightly each month since last summer, but something that had happened yesterday that had became a major trigger for my depression, and for the next few days, I will be doing my best to make the depression go away. Or at least back to only feeling depression every three to six days for only about fifteen minutes each time. (For me, that amount is actually very low compared to when I was seven years old.)
Usually, in situations like this, I'm usually able to accept the truth a few hours after I'm told; and a few hours after I had been told something, I -being who I have always been when it came to acceptance- naturally just accepted what I was told. But just because I accept the truth doesn't mean that I'm mentally strong enough to continue the one shots while going through this feeling.
As I said, this situation has caused my depression -which was very low in the last two months before yesterday- to just... it feels like a hijack to the heart. This situation isn't any different than the other two times I've been in but with different people, so knowing this situation, it shouldn't be any different or too bad. But honestly, this time is a lot hard than the two previous times.
I live in the same youth group home as the one a second cousin of mine lives in, and him and I are pretty close. So I'm pretty sure he'll play a little part in helping me. He can be an asshole sometimes, but we're always there for each other whenever we need help. So, like I said, the surprise depression shouldn't last too long. I'm pretty sure that I'll feel normal by the end of the week or early next week.
I just thought I'd let everyone who reads and requested know that I'll be taking a small break for a while and try my best to mentally feeling okay.
Requests are still open for those who want a certain character, and once I continue, I'll plan them out and start writing them.

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