Matt: Empty

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For once, Matt actually wanted to get fresh air. So, he took his phone and headphones and played his favourite band. He took his gun with him just in case he came into a bad situation.
With the cold winter air still in for another month, Matt grabs his jacket then puts them on.
Not wanting to be in a very populated part of the city, Matt decided to take a walk to the bridge and maybe somewhere else in the city on the other side of the bridge that isn't too populated at this time of the day.
"I'm going for a walk for a few hours, Mello. I'll be back later." Matt said before leaving the door. "Later," replied Mello with an uninterested tone as he sat down, deep in thought.
Being in his own world, Matt only paid attention to the streets when it came to when was the right time to cross the streets.

•Fifty Minutes Later•
Walking along the bridge, Matt hears faint crying as the song ends. Looking around, he sees a silhouette of a female near the edge of the bridge.
He turns the volume down and turns his attention to the female. As he got closer to her, he realized she was about to jump down into the river.
Quickly, Matt rushes over to the female and stops her. "Why are you doing this?"
More tears form in the young woman's eyes as she wanted to speak but no words came out at all. Just thinking about it made her cry even more.
Already knowing what's going in but not knowing the reason, Matt helps the girl go to on the safe side and subconsciously hugs the female as she cried in his arms.
After four minutes of letting her cry until there were barely any tears left, Matt once again asks, "Why are you doing this?"
Finally, the young woman was able to answer, "Life just isn't worth living now that my only remaining family had been killed by Kira eight months ago."
Thinking about eight months ago, Matt remembers the Yotsuba Company. He asks, "Did he work for Yotsuba?"
After sniffling, the female asks, "How did you know my brother worked for Yotsuba? Did you know him?"
"No, but the deaths of each one of the eight had been big news since three-quarters of their deaths had all happened in one day."
"Yeah, I forgot about the others. Anyways, Reiji Namikawa was my older brother; he was one of the six that died after L found out that Higuchi was the one playing the role of Kira. He was the only one I had. All of my friends were just friends with me because he was my brother."
"I'm sorry to hear your only family left is gone. But don't you have any other friends?"
The female shook her head as she wiped her tears, "No, Reiji was the only person who I was ever close with. Now, I just feel so empty without him."
Matt actually felt bad for the girl in front of him. He sighs, "Why don't we be friends? My friend and I are actually trying to capture Kira and take revenge for L, and I'm sure Mello wouldn't mind you staying over with us, just as long you don't cause any trouble for him."
The female snickered and looks down, "Why would you want to be friends with me? You don't need to be my friend just because you feel bad for me."
Matt carefully lifts the girl's chin up to look at him and says, "I do feel bad that you feel the need to commit suicide, but I was once told that part of the reason why the good die young that is because the good become suicidal at a young age due to the sugarcoated world we live in and only the good find out what it's telly like at a young age. You seem to be one of the good people that would die young, but..." Matt stops as he tries to figure out a way to explain the next part. After a moment, he continues, "I don't want to see that happening because you look to gorgeous to die. I would kill to have a girlfriend that is as beautiful as you. I don't even know your name, but you look and seem beautiful both inside and outside. I would like to get to know you."
The girl says, "My name is [Y/N] Namikawa."
[Y/N] continues looking into the guy's eyes as she doesn't know what to say or do due to the young man's words.
Matt smiles as he moves the [h/c] strands of wind-blown hair out of the way, "'[Y/N]'; it fits you perfectly."
Still smiling at [Y/N] due to her willingness to befriend him, Matt snaps back into reality and says, "It's nice to meet you; I'm Mail Jeevas, but you can call me Matt."
With her eyes finally dried from crying, [Y/N] takes a closer look at Matt, and look at his features.
The artificial light of from the street lights on the bridge had brought out his beautiful shaggy, brown hair and the caring brown eyes that shone brightly had caused [Y/N] tightly go into a trance.
Matt holds [Y/N] by the sides of her waist, and closes his eyes as he leans his head down to kiss her.
The kiss was slow and passionate, and as it ended, the two kept staring into each other's eyes, admiring one another.
Breaking the silence, Matt tells [Y/N] as he held onto her tighter, "I have never met anyone as beautiful as you. I feel as if I just found a ruby in a haystack."
[Y/N] blushed lightly as she did not know how to reply.
"Do you want to go on a walk with me? Or just go back to Mello and I's place?" asked Matt as he held [Y/N]'s hand.
"[Walk/Matt's home]," [Y/N] answered. Matt smiles at her answer, and they leave hand-in-hand as they discuss how Matt would be willing to share his room with [Y/N] and how Matt will tell Mello about how he will take care of [Y/N].

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