Teru Mikami

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[A/N: For this one shot, I'm sorry if the sexuality doesn't fit you. I just randomly choose a different sexuality.]

Through the second half of high school, I found myself being bullied just because of my sexuality. I'm actually pansexual.
Somehow, it leaked that I was pansexual before I even told anyone; that included my best friend(s). After that, they stopped being friends with me because of my sexuality. They didn't bully me like others did, but they ignored me.
One day at school, Teru found me quickly walking home shortly before the bell rang for the first period of school. He noticed tears were in my eyes and he noticed I was sniffling quite a bit just so my nose wouldn't look so runny.
He asked me what was wrong, but all I could say was, "I'm tired of all the pain from the bullying and loneliness..."
Teru asked, "Why are you being bullied? Why didn't you come and tell me?"
"They knew you'd just stand up for me, so they threatened to do worse things to the both of us if I even tried. I don't want you going through the same..." I whispered loud enough, "And also, we've never really talked, and I'm quite socially awkward to people I don't really talk to, so I never thought twice about it..."
"[Y/N], it's okay if you told me. I would've understood, and I've also been bullied in the past, so, it wouldn't have made a difference. Plus, I'm a bit stronger than I was back then, so, I'd be able to defend us both physically.
"We both have the same classes and at the same times, so sit beside me. I'll be by your side the whole day."
Shock showed on my face as I heard his words. A small smile made its way to my face, so, I went back to school with him. It was just like he said; we had the same classes all day and when the bullies were around, Teru was able to stop them and they got suspended by the principal for two weeks. Since then, the bullying has stopped, and Teru was the first friend I had since my friends abandoned me.
We saw each other everyday, but if we couldn't, than every other day. Teru became my rock; he was always and still is there for me.
It's been a year since we've graduated, and I'm [studying/training] [Whatever You Want To Do As A Career], and Teru is trying to get his degree to become a trusted prosecutor.
Usually, we're only able to see each other at least twice a week now. But, I guess it's better than not seeing each other at all.
Tonight, we've decided to order Chinese food, and the delivery guy has finally brought our order. Teru and I pay our shares of the bill, and then we start eating. Teru has Fried Rice with Chicken Balls, while I've got [Random/Favourite Chinese Food].
We start eating and talking about our day along with what we should do on the weekend because it seems we both are free for the whole weekend for once. We make plans to go see the musical for Kuroshitsuji.
As we finish, Teru turns off the TV and says, "[Y/N], there's something I have been needing to tell you."
I look into his eyes and see a bit of seriousness.
His mouth opens to say something, but no words come out. He tries again, and again he fails. Teru frustratedly sighs as he holds his hand to his forehead, making me worry about him and feel slightly confused.
Teru exhales as he looks as if he has just figured out what to say.
Waiting for Teru to say something, I feel shock as he gives me a kiss. As I realize why Teru couldn't say a word, so I kiss him back to let him know I feel the same way.
As the kiss ended, I open my eyes to see Teru slightly blushing. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time." says Teru as he grabbed my hand.
I smile and cuddle into him, "Don't worry, I feel the same. I'd love to be your girlfriend."
Teru's arms tighten around me as he hears my words and I feel his head lie down on mine. Teru softly whispers before kissing my forehead, "I'm so glad."

Death Note One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ