AU Matt: Date For Draft Day

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{A/N: I've thought of this alternate universe Death Note one shot while watching my favourite National Hockey League team play one night, and I was finally able to right it. If you don't have a favourite NHL team, or if you don't like hockey, just go pick a random one.
In this, [Y/F/N/H/L/T] will be the abbreviation for: Your Favourite National Hockey League Team.}

I cheer on my best friend, Mail Jeevas, -aka Matt- as he and his teammates play on. They're winning with a score of three to nothing and it's literally the last few seconds of the third period.
The buzzer goes off, indicating the end of the third period; also the end of the hockey game.
I stand up and scream while clapping, cheering on my best friend's team's win. It's their eighth win a row here at home; but it's only their fifth win in a row.
It's not quite surprising though; they've got some of the best players on their team. Matt, one of their best defence players who also happens to be great at setting up goals. Nate River -aka Near- (who got his nickname because he always found himself to be near the puck when they score or assistant in goals) is their best forward. I heard his nickname was going to be 'The Wayne Gretzky of the Team', but someone just called him Near, and the nickname just stuck to him. Mihael Keehl -aka Mello- a twenty-one year old goalie who has happened to win his sixth shut out game of the season.
Being three quarters into the season, we're most likely to see at least one, wait no, at least two more shut outs from Mello for the rest of the season.
They're in the playoffs for our league. Not surprising. They've got a few other great players who are destined to be in the NHL. They don't win every game, but they've won the second most games in the league. The team they played against tonight was actually the team with the most wins of the season so far. But now, they're tied for number one due to this game tonight.
Every single one of the players including the back up goalie had jumped on ice and cheered on themselves. Matt had already been on the ice due to playing the last shift of the hockey game.
Meanwhile, the opposing team has already left the ice and went to the guest dressing room.
The crowd including me continues cheering on due to the win.
Finally, after a minute, Matt and his teammates go to their dressing room, and everyone starts to head out of the arena and go home or wherever they have planned for the rest of the evening.
As for me, I'll be waiting outside the home locker room for Matt.

~Twenty-One Minutes Later~
Matt is one of the last few of the twenty-two teammates to leave the dressing room. Like with most of the other fans here, I cheer on the home team as they exited. My smile widens as I see Matt walk out, and I run to give him a hug.
"Matt, congratulations! You played so well tonight!" I said as I hugged him.
Matt smiled as he put his equipment down to hug me back, "Thanks, [Y/N]. And we just happened to have some of best players on our t-"
He was interrupted as his phone rang, playing the ringtone of Fake Your Death by My Chemical Romance.
"Hello... ...yes, this is Mail speaking... ...that's awesome, I'll definitely be there... ...okay... ...well, thanks for calling to let me know... yes, you too... ...goodbye."
Matt looked at me with even more happiness as he hung up and whispered into my ear, "Come with me to my truck, I'll explain when we get in. Trust me, I've got great news. Also, do you wanna go for some Chinese food after I bring my bag home?"
I nod smiling, "Yeah, sure."
Matt picks up his hockey bag and we walk to his truck as more people continued to congratulate Matt and his other teammates on tonight's win.
He puts his bag into the back of the truck, and we get in, strapping the belts on.
"So, what's the good news?" I ask.
Matt grabbed my hand, looked me right in the eyes and says, "I've been officially drafted to the [Y/F/N/H/L/T] in the first round. I'm not the number one pick, but I'm in the first round. I'll have to be at the NHL Draft ceremony in the summer time, and I get to take someone with me to accompany me. [Y/N], do you want to come with me?"
My jaw drops a few centimetres, and I grin instantly, "Oh my god, I'm so happy you're going to live your dreams! And yes, I'd love to go with you!"
Matt smiles happily while looking down for a second before looking back at me, "Can I ask you something else?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"[Y/N], will you be my girlfriend?"
I blush and grin wider.
Sound won't come out, so I force myself forward and kiss him.
We break away, both smiling so widely and feeling happiness.
"Tonight has been an awesome night," Matt says while starting his truck.
"Yeah, eight wins in a row on home ice and word from the [Y/F/N/H/L/T] that they've drafted you. No kidding, it's pretty awesome!" I said while hold his hand.
Matt looked at me and smiled, "You forgot to mention the girl of my dreams is finally my girlfriend."
I blush and smile harder, "Hehe, I love you too, Matt."
Finally, his truck's engine was warm enough to go, so we left to his place to celebrate.

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