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"She's been sleeping for nearly ten hours, you think she'll get up soon?" A male voice said.
"Probably, but when we got to that asshole's place, she seemed physically tired from the drug he used on her. I wouldn't be surprised if she slept another hour or four." Another male voice had said before they left the room to another.
Hearing the objects being moved along with everything else, it sounds as if they're in a kitchen; which they probably are.
'Dammit, I hate waking up just because my ears are so sensitive while I sleep.' I think to myself as my mind wakes up due to hearing the previous conversation between the two males. Just now, I realize I'm not where I was last time I checked.
My eyes open halfway, and I see the light in this room is a very dim yellow-orange colour. I look around the room to see I'm on a fancy leather couch which was very comfy. Not too far from this was another dark-coloured couch that looked to be quite used over the last decade, yet it still looked comfy. A lamp which had a dark, translucent cover which had caused the room to be lighted with the colour it is currently. There were four paintings of withered nature that had been hung on the wall; one per wall. Despite the old and withered nature, they were beautifully painted. Whoever picked these painting had chosen right; they match the design and lighting of the living room I am currently in. The only problem was, there was no clock.
Relieved to see I am not in that hell, I decide to wake up physically.
"Hello?" I ask as I balanced myself after standing up too fast which had caused dizziness.
"Speak of the devil," said one of the males from just a minute ago.
Both of them walk in. A redhead with a great sense in fashion, and a guy with shoulder-length, blonde hair with bangs who was dressed in gothic-like clothing.
I have to admit, the guy looks great in leather. I think to myself, 'I never knew I had a thing for people who wear leather...'
"Do you remember what happened before you lost conscious?" The blonde asked as he leant against the doorframe.
I try to think about it. And as I remember, tears form at the memory of the disgusting event. The memory of the disgusting feeling of his hands had caused me to cringe. At least it wasn't as disgusting and painful as the day before that.

A knock at the apartment door had caused my kidnapper -my ex-boyfriend's brother- to stop touching my breasts through the torn and cut my [Your Favourite Band] shirt which had been cut into a V-neck just so he can get to my breasts easily.
"I'm not finished with you," Zeke said before going to answer the door. Feeling drowsy due to the drug he used on me, I slowly start to cry and yell for help, but that didn't do much. The drug had taken so much energy from me.
As he answered, a heard a peck at the window. I slowly turned to see a blonde guy dressed in leather mouthing, 'Do you need help?'
Being able to only move my head due to being handcuffed to the bed, all I could do was nod slowly.
Hearing Zeke trying his best to end the conversation with the stranger at the door, I try to get the man at the window's attention by waving my hand to him which worked after six seconds. I then used my head to point at the direction of the apartment door entrance.
He looks and sees Zeke just about to close the door on the person. He aborted his plan to carefully open the window, and just kicked the window and shatter the glasses into hundreds of pieces.
Zeke's attention had went to the window to see the blonde male entering the room with a gun in his hands. The blonde shouts, "Matt, c'mom and help me already; we've got the right apartment! The girl whose been missing is here in the apartment!"
With that, Zeke looked towards the window after grabbing his steak knife from the drawer in his table not too far from the entrance door. But by then, the same person who had been at the door a minute ago had came in with his pistol and fought with Zeke.
The blonde had asked me where the keys to the handcuffs were and I was strong enough to say, "In his jean pockets, somewhere." The guy charged at Zeke, and the other pinned him down. Still struggling after checking his pockets, the blonde guy says, "Matt, we've got to turn him over; the keys aren't in his front pockets. We'll turn him over; this time, I'll hold him down as you check."
Only being able to watch, I see them struggling to keep Zeke down, but they successfully do it.
"I've got them," said the guy called Matt.
He quickly comes over and tries the keys on the handcuffs. They worked.
As Matt got me up, Zeke broke free of the blonde guy and cut his cheek after struggling to grain the knife. The cut looked nothing but minor with a little bit of blood drawing out from his cheek.
The blonde does his best to grab the knife carefully.
After helping me out, Matt goes to help his comrade. He punched Zeke on the side of the head which had caused him to knock out immediately.
"Okay, c'mon, we've gotta hurry in case he wakes up soon; the girl looks likes she's been drugged, so let's bring her to your car. She won't be able to hold on properly if she's on the motorcycle with me."
With that, Matt gave me his furry jacket to cover up, they helped me put my shoes on, and then helped me get seated and buckled into a red sports car who I assumed was Matt's.

Being drugged at the time, that was all I could remember.
I prevent myself from crying, and say, "Thanks for helping me. How did you know I was there?"
'Matt' says, "We were out yesterday afternoon and two girls had stopped us and showed us a photo of you, asking if we had seen you in the last two days. We told them 'no' but Mello here wanted to help out since we've done and achieved basically nothing in the last week."
I think I've heard of a Mafia with a gang member of that name; is this the same one?
"It was no problem. It was pretty easy to find out where you were after your friends told us about you. You had an ex-boyfriend whose brother had interest in you, correct?"
I nod.
"All we had to do was check his apartment."
"Oh, I see. Thanks for the help."
"It was no problem. If you're hungry, Matt can cook you something to eat; he's a better cook than me."
I look at Matt and he says, "Sure. Are you hungry?"
"Yeah, do you know how to make [Your Favourite Food]?"
"Yeah, I'll just get started on it."
Matt left the room as Mello sat down.
Awkwardly, I say, "I'm sorry you got that cut because of me..."
"Tch, this is nothing. We did it to save you. It's after 10am, you'll need new clothes after what that asshole did to your current clothes; I can go buy you some new clothes while you're waiting for your breakfast. What size clothes do you use?"
"You don't need to do that, I'll be fine in these for now?"
"You've gotta do more than that to fool me. You're lucky you're still using Matt's fur vest to keep you covered. And tell me, when it's time you do leave, do you want to go outside and show everyone you're wearing that?"
I look at the vest and see it's too furry. I feel my eyebrow twitch, and with that, I tell Mello my clothing sizes.
"I'll be back within half an hour." Mello said before leaving the door.
"[Y/N], right?" Matt asked from the kitchen.
"Mello said he saw quite a few bruises on body before we attack that guy. If you don't mind, would you tell me what he did to you?"
Looking down, I answer, "He'd hit me when I didn't listen. When I tried to resist, he'd hold me down with so much force that bruises formed... At first, I thought he just wanted to hang out, but an hour into the movie, he just started acting that way... He started r-"
I couldn't finish as I remembered what happened. Tears streamed down and I couldn't help but cry.
Matt's arms wrapped around me, pulling me into his chest as I kept on crying.
"How many days were you there?"
"It would've been the... fifth night tonight if you guys didn't show up. Thanks."
"It's no problem; you don't need to say anymore. You're safe now."
Matt kept me in his arms until he asks, "Do you mind of I see the bruises?"
I froze.
Matt sighs, "Just to see how bad they are and if you need medical help. You don't need to take off your underclothes."
With his reasoning, I take off all but my undergarments and put them onto a chair at the table.
Matt sighs once again, "These will heal within the next two days; nothing serious. Any of them sit hurt?"
"Doesn't feel like it."
"So, it wouldn't hurt if I did this?" asked Matt as he held my waist to pull me into his arms and kissed me.
My eyes widen in shock, but I instantly kiss back to see if this could work.
After the kiss, Matt giggles and says, "I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. After seeing your picture, I thought you were pretty. But you're even more beautiful in person. I meant what I said about wanting to see how badly the bruises were. You should put your clothes back on until Mello gets back. Anyways, your meal is ready.
"Mello and I talk about this thoroughly, and if you want, you can stay here until the visible bruises are healed. We've got enough food and you can sleep on one of our beds while we sleep on the couch. But one night, it would be me and the next would be Mello. It's up to you."
As I finished putting my clothes on, I answer, "Sure, thanks. And I understand. Do you mind if I... sleep in your room... with you? Just as long as nothing happens."
"Yes, and don't worry; I like to take things slow. After hearing what you've been through, don't worry about it, I'd rather let you heal first; physically and mentally."
I smile and lean up for a kiss.
Subconsciously, I say, "Why didn't you come into my life sooner?"

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