Chapter 18

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"She seduced him?"
"What a slut!"
"Such a whore how dare she touch my Jun Kai."

"Yeah Jun Kai will never harass anyone."

He will never harass anyone?

In less than a week the news had spreaded all over the school.

The news will not 'slip out' my ass.

I rolled my eyes, Qian Xi was right.

With a sigh I slid the classroom door open.

"Well look who we have the girl that seduced Jun Kai." Sherry clapped her hands as I walked in.

"Shut up Sherry." Kelly snapped as Sherry rolled her eyes.

"I agree with Sherry." A few girls snorted.

"Nah Yue Han's not that type of person, you're just saying that because you guys like Wang Jun Kai." The majority of my classmates defended me.

"What No!" They squealed.

"Try and be as pretty as Yue Han before you say that." The guys added as the girls cringed at me.

"It's fine I don't really care what you guys think." I added as I slumped onto my desk.

"Were you guys bullying Yue Han?" Qian Xi eyed the class as he walked in.

"The girls were." The boys shrugged.

"Geez stop being jealous." Qian Xi frowned at the girls.

"It's nothing to be jealous about!" I slapped him gently at his stupid remark.

"Owww I'm kiddidng..." He mumbled as I rolled my eyes.

"Are you okay?" He whispered to me as he say down next to me playing with my hair.

"Yeah I am I guess..."

"Hey," a familiar voice rang in my ears as the door slid open.

I gulped before turning around... And there he walked in.

Qian Xi immediately pulled me behind him as Jun Kai slowly walked into the class.

I carefully examined his face. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was rather messy, slightly slouching.

Glares of disgust were sent to Jun Kai by my classmates.

Apart from some 'people'

"It's going to be alright..." Qian Xi consoled me as I nodded grasping tightly onto his shirt.

"Are you okay Jun Kai!?"
"Jun Kai don't get close to Yue Han we all know you're right."

Girls surrounded him as he sighed and gently pushed them away.

"What are you doing here? You don't belong here." Qian Xi yelled as Jun Kai stared at me directly with teary eyes.

"Yeah! How could you hurt one of us, we're all family." A few classmates yelled.

He kept on walking towards me as I grasped tighter onto Qian Xi in fear.

THE WINNER ||《y.y.q.x》(Still Editing)Where stories live. Discover now