Chapter 4

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I swung my phone around watching the keychain he gave me swing around in amusement.

"Maybe it's not as ugly as I thought?"

My eyes flickered to the hair clip lying on my desk before a smirk grew on my face.

"Okay that's enough." I turned away after realising my lips were widely soread across my face looking like an idiot.


I smacked myself on the head gently as I gazed at my watch.

"Why do I keep coming to school early after the Qian Xi guy came..." I groaned.

I slid open the door as my eyes scamned the classroom.

Releasing a sigh, seems like I can have a peaceful morning for once.

In the soft silence came a loud thump against the metal lockers behind me as I flinched.

Turning around quickly, my eyes rested on the metal locker within the empty classroom.

"I-Is someone there?"

With shaking hands I slowly placed them on the handle.

The sudden gut feeling shaped the possible presence of whom I hoped it wouldn't be.

With annoyance I flung open the door

"Stop being such a idiot!"

To my surprise it was empty.

"Was I just hearing things or..."


The sudden yelling noise really got me.

I screamed as I watched something jolt out at me.

Oh come on not again.

"Good morning." He smirked as he bent forwards leaning closer to me every second.

"Why do you do this to me all the time!"

"Why? It's because I need to make you fall for me." He whispered.

"Oh gosh!" I pushed him away hard making him slam into a chair.

I never knew in order to make someone fall for you you scare the wits out of them.

"Owwww why are you so rough." He whined rubbing his head.

I sat down and covered my face with a book... Ahhh I need to calm down. Calm down.

"Hey. Wang Yue Han,"
"Stop talking to me." I snapped back.
"I won't scare you anymore okay?"

"Ahhh geez... Why do you talk so much to me right now but not a word during class." I slammed my head against my desk.

"Anyways have you realised something different about me." He smiled.

"You're not wearing glasses...?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Correct." He replied.

"哦.(oh.)" I replied nonchalantly.

"Am I handsome this way?" He grinned tilting his head.

I gulped and felt my face heating up.

THE WINNER ||《y.y.q.x》(Still Editing)Where stories live. Discover now