Chapter 12

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"Yue Han..." Qian Xi spoke as I froze.

I was surprised by seeing the sight of them together.

I felt as if my position was taken away...

"Did you guys come here together...?" I forced a smile.

"Yea, we came to eat together." Sherry tugged onto Qian Xi's arm as he pulled away quickly.

"Ahh I see..." I looked away clenching tightly onto my wallet behind my back.

"Yue Han..." Qian Xi mumbled as he grabbed my wrist tightly.

"Have fun." His grip loosened as I responded with a smile.

"No Yue Han, we need to talk." His grip tightened again.

"I have nothing to say and I thought I told you not to speak to me again..." I forcefully pulled my hand away from his and turned away.

"Oh well, you can join us if you want." Sherry chuckled as I gulped.

"No... I'm fine, I'm going home anyways." I shook my head nonchalantly.

"We'll see you at school then." She waved as Qian Xi stared at me.

I waved back at her and started walking away.

I wanted to be the one next to him... I thought and started walking fastening my pace.

Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.

Not being cautious of my surroundings I had smashed into someone again making me drop to the floor this time.

"Oww..." I cried as I rubbed my bruised knee gently.

I picked myself up slowly and apologised.

"Yue Han...? Are you okay?!" A familiar voice yelled my name.

"Jun Kai?" I stared up at him.

"Why are you crying?" He rubbed the tears away from my eyes as he levelled himself to my height.

"I am?" I quickly rubbed my tears away... I didn't even realise honestly.

"Do you want some Ice Cream?" He whispered with a smile as he slowly pulled me up.

"Nah it's okay I'm fine..." I forced a smile.

"I know you well when you're sad you need ice cream." He winked.

"Your treat?" I asked pursing my lips.

"Yeah it's on me this time."


"So what's wrong? Why are you here alone?" He said leaning against the chair.

"I'm just feeling a bit down I guess..." I responded as he sighed.

I still hadn't trusted him enough to discuss my issues with him...

"Doesn't this feel like the old times..." He gently touched my head as he spoke.

Afterall he was my ex boyfriend...

"Maybe not..." I chuckled.

"Should we get back together?" He asked as I shook my head.

"Nah I'm pretty sure we've had enough of each other..." I added with a smile.

"I still can't get enough of you I guess..." He grinned.

"We're like best friends now." I ensured him.

"I don't want to be friend zoned..." He mumbled.

"Too bad Wang Jun Kai." I chuckled.

THE WINNER ||《y.y.q.x》(Still Editing)Where stories live. Discover now