Chapter 17

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"Will you come to school tomorrow...?" He gently rubbed my hands as I hesitated.

"I'm not sure..." I mumbled.

Afterall I was too shocked and it might take me a while to recover...

Because it was Jun Kai.

Someone I've trusted for so long.

"I want you to come. So come okay?" He stared at my face as I slightly nodded.

"I'll see..."

"And..." He looked down sticking his hands down his pockets.

"You're my girlfriend now..." He mumbled as he started blushing.

"Fine. I give up." I chuckled as a wide smile appeared on his face.

"Really? Really?" He hugged me tightly as I nodded.

"But it really hurt me when you told me you hated me." He said softly.

"Even if I say I hate you I like you."

"What did you just say?" His eyes widened.

"Don't make me say it twice, even if I say I hate you I like you." I cringed in embarrassment.

"So cheesy Wang Yue Han." He chuckled as I frowned.

"I take it back." I crossed my arms and pouted.

"I'm kidding, kidding."

I slapped my face with both of my hands.

I'm glad things are currently working out between Qian Xi and I.

But Wang Jun Kai.

What's going to happen tomorrow.

I squeezed my self tightly as I sat down on my bed.


My eyes flung open the moment my alarm started ringing.

"I guess I should go to school?" I mumbled as I scratched my head gently.


Qian Xi POV

"Is she coming... Is she coming?" I whispered to myself as I thought about my adorable Yue Han.

Yes. MY Yue Han.

I smirked.

Well hopefully Sherry's not going to annoy me anymore.

To that thought I rolled my eyes.

"Morning..." Yue Han whispered as she walked into the classroom.

I smiled and stood up walking up to her.

"Yo. Qian Xi." She nudged me gently.

"Hey I have something to announce." I yelled smirking as the class turned to me.


End of POV


"Hey I have something to announce." Qian Xi yelled smirking.

I have a bad feeling about this.

"This..." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

THE WINNER ||《y.y.q.x》(Still Editing)Where stories live. Discover now