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The room was eerily silent. The usual noise from the wall clock ceased to make a single tick. The IV stopped for more than a moment to give Olivia her fluids. Everything was still and staring at the sleeping girl. Her gash on her face gave her bronze skin a more rosy blush and her hair was scattered everywhere. The crow outside the window looked at the girl with its red eyes in curiosity but soon was bored and flew away. It's caw was a signal to all life that everything changed.

She gasped awake from her bed with cold sweat all over her body. She looked at herself and banged her head against the pillow; bruises everywhere. Not only that but she could feel open wounds all over body as well. How the hell was Olivia going to explain this? What's going to happen to Aito or Airi?

Olivia felt her stomach sink to the ground as the realisation hit her; Airi might be hurt... or dead. No, no she couldn't have died right? Yet Olivia was doubtful that Amber would spare her life. She then thought about Aito and felt her heart clench. He manipulated and killed Mary. Yet for some reason she could only blame Amber. It looked as though he didn't like hurting others but she couldn't let him continue. She got up from the bed and gripped on the IV tank to maintain her sense of balance. She looked out the window and saw the sleeping sun waking up from over the mountains. She looked out in the perfectly clear sky. Not a single cloud scattered across the blue painting, "what a bad day for it to rain...."


Three hours later, the doctor came in to tell her she was free to go. Olivia made sure she hid all of her bruises with her mom's leftover make-up. She didn't want to stay here. It was eight AM and the street was filled with cars and pedestrians.

"Mamá, I'm so tired...." Olivia complained.

Marie looked at her with a sad smile, "don't worry, we're almost there." Olivia smiled dimly at her before looking back at the window. "Hey honey?"


Marie pointed at her purse before concentrating on the road again, "there's some candy for you. It might lighten your mood." Olivia nodded and grabbed her red purse before scavenging through it. She saw the yummy skittles and began to slurp them down in one go, Marie guessed she was hungry.

Ten minutes went by and Olivia noticed they passed by the house. "Mamá, where we going?"

"Papa thought it was a good idea to take you to the bridge again to see Big Ben." She said with a hopeful tone. She sounded like everything was going to be okay. She made it sound like nothing ever happened. They stopped at the bridge and Olivia got out and saw Victor running up to her.

"Hey...." Victor greeted awkwardly. She smiled sheepishly, "hey yourself..."

They stared at each other for a while before Marie intertwined, "Ah that building never gets old."

Olivia stared at the glamorous bell tower and sighed; everything reminded Olivia of her. She saw Victor run over to Regan and began to talk about useless topics. Marie on the other hand was staring at the bell tower with a soft smile on her face.

It was all pointless.

Olivia gulped in some air before walking to the railing of the bridge. She calmly climbed over the railing to other people's suspicions but they didn't stop her. Instead they continued on with their pointless, pointless lives.

In the end everyone is controlled by their emotions.

Whether they stay blinded from the obvious truth or if they're blinded by pure rage. It made no difference; everything was pointless.

Olivia looked up at the sky and smiled. It was a smile that would make both Airi and that beautiful sparrow in the wind proud. She lifted one hand at the sky and for a moment she almost touched the beautiful brown feathers.


The Zone of SpiralsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant