Chapter 5

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Aito watched the sun come up from the tree he was in. He sighed as he knew that in a short hour he would have to go to school. Climbing down the tree was painful for him mainly because of his arms being deadly weak.

His house truly wasn't far away and if he ran he could still have enough time to get ready. So Aito ran until his lungs was on fire and burning. He climbed back in his house and saw his door opened. His heart sunk that his father, checked up on him.

The only reason his father would check on him is if he was drinking or he was in a pissy mood. One part of him was glad he wasn't here to deal with that. However, the other side was fearful of the punishment he would get. Trying to not think about it, Aito simply took his clothes off and put new, clean clothes on. Not daring to make contact with his family he climbed out the window again and walked to school.

From what happened yesterday, police officers were everywhere to see if they could find evidence to who the culprit was. They asked teachers and students yet this murder was a mystery.

"Aito!" The girls from yesterday was again trying to make a pass on him.

"Hello. Fine morning don't you agree?" He chimed with a smile. The girls squeeled from his politeness. "Why don't you hang out with us? We're so lonely without your company."

Aito mentally rolled his eyes and continued walking. When they followed he halted and turned around, "I need to be alone right now so may I ask for you three to talk to someone else?" He asked trying to be as polite as possible. It worked because they didn't seem to care and just waved goodbye.

Sighing in relief, he continued on to his classroom. When he got there Airi was also there with a light blue corset dress and a white string bow in her hair. The bow was used to tie her hair up and poofed it out. Aito felt like someone knocked him out and was dreaming.

Airi was resting her head on the desk from the lack of energy. It took all she had left to switch to another outfit and still make it to school on time. He walked towards her and sat in his seat.

"How are you today Airi?" He asked waiting for her to answer. She got up meakly and yawned, "oh I'm fine love, don't worry about a thing but yourself." She smiled as she touched his arm. Yet was heavily concerned when he moved his arm away in pain.

"Aito? Are you alright darling?" She questioned. In the corner of her eye she saw Olivia walk in with a scarf around her neck. It wasn't cold outside so Airi was a bit confused. She turned her focus back on Aito.

It seemed as though he finished what he said and a pang of guilt swept over Airi. "I'm terribly sorry. Could you please repeat what you said." He smiled sweetly at her. Right before he was going to repeat everything the annoying bell interrupted.

"Alright class, time to start. I know what happened yesterday was a tragedy. But we also have to learn." The students groaned and took their notebooks out.

"Alright so lesson one is going to be how we traveled around in the old ages with other countries. Does anyone have any idea how?" He asked. When he saw about four hands up he chose Catherine. "Boats Mr. Gary."

"Right so..." after everything else was just a blur to Airi. Sure she cared about her education but in the state she was in? All she wanted to do was go lie down. However, she knew it was a terrible idea so she kept her eyes wide open.

In summer break Aito forgot why he hated school. Now the clear memories were coming back and he was in hell. The only thing that made it tolerable was Airi right next to him. He took a glance at her and saw she was barely awake. Aito snorted a little and poked her on the side. "Aaaaah!" She screamed that interrupted the whole class.

"Ms. Clements are you okay?" Mr. Gary asked genuinely concerned for her. She nodded her head, "I'll be fine." She murmurs to him hoping that would have been enough.

Thirty minutes and World History class was at an end. Aito couldn't be more pleased now that he could finally go to English. When he sat down he remembered that Olivia sat right next to him. He pulled out his book that he was reading and waited for her to come.

She held her scarf in place right before entering scared it would fall off. She was desperate enough to say that horrible experience was just some nightmare and through the night she was choking herself. Yet, that little part of herself wanted to believe that dream meant something.

For another reason she wanted to tell someone but she had a feeling that they wouldn't believe her. Probably because if someone came up to her and said, "I have these realistic nightmares where if I get hurt in the dreams I get hurt in real life." She would have laughed in their face.

Olivia concluded that she needed a distraction and was thrilled to see Aito. "Hey Aito." She greeted as she sat down.

"Nice scarf, why are you wearing such a heavy cloth when it's just rarely Autumn?" He pressed. His suspicions raised when he saw her stiff body. "I thought it was cute." Olivia answered hoping to end the subject.

He breathed and sighed, "You git... if something is wrong then ju-"

"Nothing is wrong so just drop it!"

"You're terrible at hiding such a truth."

Her expression came from shocked to enraged. "Why ho-"

"Alright that was the bell. Please remain silent as I take roll."

All she could think about was different ways murder the teacher. She couldn't stay angry at Aito too long since he was worried about her.

She then felt a small stab from a pencil and saw him with his notebook.

Sorry about earlier. Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?

A smile crept on her face and soon wrote her response.

No... maybe someday but not now.

Their conversation ended up becoming a long list of trivial things. All until Matt came up.

Do you have an idea of who did it

No, all I know was that the person wanted him to die. Some people poison others to knock them out but... Cyanide is pretty deadly.

Aito blushed from how he worded it. It made it seem as though he was a huge nerd about this kind of thing.

I had a feeling but didn't Airi watch our stuff. Things don't add up. Do you think she did?

Aito quickly wrote back, sort of angry she would suspect Airi, even a little.

No. Airi is too sweet.

Aito didn't just defend her but also felt offended that Olivia would even think that she would do that.

"Ms. Flores please tell us what we're going to learn in third quarter." Mr. Jones demanded.

She saw Aito writing it down and passed it to her.

Shakespeare. Say Shakespeare.

"Uhm... Shakespeare."

"Very good now for fourth quarter this class will see how the Government controls people and lives." Mr. Jones continued, on not even mentioning that he wanted to embarrass her.


He looked up at her and their brown eyes met. She noted that his were more chocolate like and her eyes were hazel. Aito noticed their stand-still contact and got flustered.

"No problem." He whispered but it was more raspy then he intended it to be.

They didn't pass anymore notes but that was alright. The silence between them was consensual. Olivia looked at her lap and was burning up.

'Am I developing feelings... for him?' She asked herself before the bell rang to go to third period.

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