Chapter 22

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Aito took his seat and breathed in, "hello Ms. Slivertein..."

Katze threw her arms in the air, "it is Silverstein! Why can't you snipper-snappers get that through your head!?" Aito smiled awkwardly, thinking this lady was insane. She looked far too young to use the term 'snipper-snappers'. "Can we just get through the investigation please."

Katze was about to say something to him but was stopped by one of the police officers. "detective Silverstein, I found the photos in his desk!" Aito made the mistake of flinching from the news. He started to hope that she didn't notice.

"Thank you. Take this to the chief - Oh!" She turned to the two officers guarding the door, "can you bring Catherine to the chief as well?" They nodded and left her alone with Aito. "Aito Hano! What thy pleasure!" She spun around in her chair for extra childish measure.

"Now, I'm going to ask some questions and you need to answer honestly and leave nothing out. If you cover up for someone else you will be charged as an accomplice." Katze stopped and looked at him with amusement, "you know what an accomplice is, right?"

"Uhm... yes ma'am..." Aito rolled his eyes, I'm not a second grader.

"Great! Now where is my pen..." She looked around for her pen in Aito's annoyance. Once found she opened her notepad and begun the questions.

"What were you doing 5 PM when the murder took place?"

Aito decided to use equivocation in his answers, "I was at the market buying lunch bags and a birthday gift." Katze raised her eyebrow, "hm? And what birthday present was that?"

"It was for Airi. Since her birthday is coming up I thought silk gloves would be a perfect gift however..." Aito stopped to think of an excuse to use.

"However..." Katze urged on, wanting him to continue. Aito caught that she was becoming impatient and decided to improvise. "It wasn't the right size so I threw it away."

"Hmm okay, now I got recent information that Mr. Gary had pornographic material of your sister. Did you know that?"

Aito fake gasped and looked at her in shock, "what the hell? Are you serious!? No! I- I had no idea ma'am! How did he get them!?"

"That's the real question, has your family been doing anything... suspicious?"

Aito frowned, "are you inquiring that my family killed Mr. Gary?"

"No, but the more information we have the closer we are to catching both the murderer and the person who did this to your sister." Katze got up from her seat and went behind Aito's shoulders. "Don't you want revenge and bring the perpetrator to justice?"

I already got justice ma'am.

"I s-saw my father taking naked pictures of Julliet but since he-" abuses us and treats us like crap. "-is mean to us I was scared to tell..."

"What does he do to you?"

"He-" tears us apart, acts like we don't have feelings- "y-y-yells at us and... you know..." Aito smiled at her sadly. That smile broke Katze's heart, she knew what he meant and concluded to investigate the Hano household after she talked to the chief.

"You may leave hun, just wait for the officers to come back." Five minutes of silence filled the air of the office; it irritated him. Once the officers came back Aito got up and followed one of them. The other one stayed behind, "detective how deep is this case? I've never seen you this interested in a case before."

"Well it's not everyday that a murder case becomes a child pornography and an abusive case at the same time! Plus, I know that boy is hiding something." Katze closed her notepad and stretched. "Tell the kids that the investigation is over." She waited for a moment before twirling her chair, "for now!" Katze made horror music noises to the Officer's annoyance.

The Zone of Spiralsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें