Chapter 9

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"You... are... what?" Words could not process; movement was impossible.

Mary was trying to murder her friend, and every emotion swarmed inside of her. It was like time had stopped, and everything was in slow motion.

"Help..." Aito gasped, "me..."

'Mary is... hurting my friend.' The entire scenario didn't make sense. She was so nice; innocent. Was it a facade? If so, she certainly fooled Olivia into thinking she was her friend.

Aito on the other hand told the two of them she was dangerous. Olivia looked again at her and was shocked. She seemed older; eighteen was the age she guessed. "No please understand me this is a mistake-" her speech was even better. Where was that young girl? Olivia denied it was even Mary, but her outfit and features matched completely. Was it an older sibling?

Olivia crossed that out as she acted as though she knew her. Her begging was falling on deaf's ear.

"He is my friend." Olivia snapped out of her trance and glared at her. "And I will protect him." Mary was about to speak but was caught off gaurd when Olivia slammed her against the floor.

"No! Stop it, why won't you listen to me?"

She didn't answer. Instead, the knife was now successfully in her hands. She stopped for a moment and contemplated what to do with it.

"Stab her, you know you want to." The voice was the same person who choked her last time, Amber.

Mary pleaded now with her eyes instead of her words hoping to get to her. Unfortunately Olivia raised the butcher knife and jabbed it in her breast.

Blood spilled out of her mouth and tears leaked out. She ungripped the knife and left it in her body. "Aito are you al-"

"She's not dead yet... go to her nursery room and burn it." Olivia nodded. "Please don't go... there... I'm not... bad... I'm a... good girl." Mary rose weakly and trembled towards her. It was a tragic scene indeed. Watching this was too much, so Olivia sprinted to the black door.

Mary however followed behind but more slowly. The knife was still installed into her body but that didn't stop her. Her movement was jagged and stiff, like a child moving a ragdoll to a destination.

Olivia reached to the knob and twisted it. The nursery was the same but crayon words were everywhere.


'Stop it'

'It hurts'

They were like swords that impaled her heart. Looking behind her was the young woman that looked uncanny to the younger girl.

Then she saw it. The reflection in the clear tiled floor. It was Mary but the younger child she knew. That disappointed the small denial that she had kept.

Candle torches were everywhere in the room. Olivia reached out to one and waited for the girl to enter. A minute after, felt like an eternity to Olivia, she was finally in view.

"Before you do anything rash yo-"

"Rash? Rash!? You stabbed my friend and you're telling me not to be rash!?" Olivia held up the candle to her and scowled. This was it but she didn't want to hurt her. Maybe she didn't know that was wrong. "No please!"

"Kill her. You hate her. You want her dead."

Olivia threw the candle at the crying girl. "No! It's so painful! Why!" She cried while reaching out to her. The knife in her was pure metal so she was probably being burned in the inside of her body.

That thought brought overwhelming guilt. "I did nothing wrong! I'm the good one!" Screamed Mary.

The flames blocked her view for a moment but then Mary was back to her younger self. "I dwid nwothing wong..." Olivia turned around and walked out not being able to handle the guilt.

"That bitch deserved it." It was the boy from before; Amber. He was mostly wearing black which contrasted to his pale white skin; she was envious. That, however was not the most noticeable attribute about him. It was so noticeable she was wondering how she missed it last time.

His eyes were amber. It was absolutely mesmerizing to look at. Yet, they looked cold and heartless.

"Are you the boy from earlier who choked me?" The boy stopped smirking, "oh so you're the annoying twat from yesterday. The one who kicked me for pulling her hair!" He burst out laughing from how ironic the situation was. "You stopped me from simply pulling her hair but..." His laughter became louder, "but you trot along burning her! And I thought I was cold!"

Olivia stared at him sternly, "but she was killing Aito!"

"Do you know why?"

"She had a reason to kill Aito?" She questioned. This amused him more, "for fuck's sake you're ignorant." He mocked while walking towards her.

He strokes her hair softly, "naive and pathetic." He grabbed her chin and forced her brown eyes to stare at his goldish orange eyes.

"Mary loved you. She was naive enough to think you wouldn't hurt her. Quite stupid really." He spun her around and pushed her to a wall. "Can you hear her pathetic screams? That's her innocence and trust out the window. Sad... that you took it from her."

"She deserved... it." He let go of her and kicked her, hard. "That's the problem with you."

He pulled away and slammed her petite body into the wall. "Always trying to find a license to kill. When in reality, you're just a monster. Using your logic I have the right to kill you right here, right now."

"No please..."

"That sounds familiar. Hmm oh that's right Mary said the same thing before you burned her alive." Olivia went limp, she felt like a monster.

Her eyes snapped open but didnt know where she was. After a while she realized that this was her room. Over to the side of the bed was the cat. "Oliver... I had the worst dream ever!"

After telling Oliver the dream she went downstairs to eat breakfast and watch the morning news.

"This morning a young woman by the name of Mary Watson died from being burned alive in her hospital bed. This woman was a comatose patient on life-support for nine years. The police is still looking for clues to who the arson was."

Olivia's breathe went short when they showed a picture of her. A girl with orange hair and brown eyes. Freckles over her nose and cheeks. "Mom come here!"

"Yes Livi?" Her mother came out of the kitchen and stared at Olivia. "By any chance... is there a burn on my face?"

"Turn around sweetie." Olivia obeyed and let her mother inspect. "Yes! Where did you get it?" She asked concerned for her child.

"My friend uhm asked me to burn her letter so I did! My cheek started to hurt so I asked you to see it."

"You need to be more careful and no more doing dangerous favors!"


Everything was now fitting together. Life no longer was innocent or ignorant. Life was becoming cruel and unforgiving like how she was to a little girl.

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