Chapter 21

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The whole sidewalk flooded with the dripping rain that came from the gray clouds. Airi sighed sadly before opening her light green umbrella and heading to her mother's car. "I wonder when it will stop raining mother. What do you think?"

Caroline entered the car before turning on the heater, "I think you know the answer of that question Airi. Anyway, did you give the money to that oh who ever it was?" Airi nodded before remember what happened, it wasn't the most fond of memories.


"You do have it right!?" Janet said as she opened the door to her house. Airi nodded gracefully before entering the now opened door. "I have it but..."

"But what!?" Janet turned around and glared at Airi's green eyes. "But is this what you really want?" Airi grabbed Janet's bag before emptying it out on the floor.

"What the hell are you-"

"I'm not a complete idiot despite popular belief and I saw the magazines in your courier bag." Airi bent down to grab the magazine she was talking about before flipping the pages, "They're gorgeous, aren't they?" Janet stood there emotionless from her actions. Never once did she expect Airi of all people to do this.

Airi waited for her answer but when she realized she wasn't going to get one, she continued, "you may not believe me. No... I know you will not believe me but you don't need a face job. I think your mouth is per-"

She stopped from the sudden sting on her face; Janet slapped her. "You have no idea how it feels you harpy!" Janet screamed out. "Look at you little miss, 'I have all the looks and all the money'. You have nothing to worry about so just barf up the pounds and leave me alone about my looks!" Airi took out a check and handed it over to her silently.

"Such a shame really, you look so much like your mother..." Airi said sadly while pointing at a photograph hanging on the wall. It was Janet and her mother at the beach.


"Yes... I gave her the money mother." Airi said before counting the drops of rain on the window. It saddened her that such a beautiful girl would go to lengths to look pretty. Not even that though; Janet was beautiful but she just didn't realize that. Airi soon was determined to show her how beautiful she truly was.

She couldn't bring herself to let history repeat itself.

When she got out of the car she opened her umbrella again and headed towards Olivia who was dumping water out of her sneakers. "You should have brought water boots love." Airi lectured when she headed up to her.

Olivia mumbled inaudible words and put the shoe back on her left foot, "I didn't know it was going to rain or I would have brought my umbrella..." She looked at the light green umbrella with a frown, "How did you know to bring one Airi?"

"We're in England, I'm always prepared!" Airi laughed at her joke but faltered when she saw Olivia's confused face. "Oh uhm it rains a lot in England. Almost like..." She started to think of a city in The United States to help Olivia's understanding, "Almost like Seattle!"

She knew it was the right city when Olivia started to nodded her head, "oh well, I guess I need to bring an umbrella more often." They began to walk together and started to chat about how hot and dry Arizona and California was to Olivia. When they entered the classroom they saw three police officers near the desk and about half the students sitting down silently. "Please sit down until all students enter the classroom." A police officer instructed. Airi grabbed her hand and sat right next to Aito who was reading the end of his book. Within the five minutes of waiting, Olivia noticed how fidgety Aito was being. She passed it off that he was intimidated by officers; she knew she was. When all the students were now sitting down a woman in a detective's outfit strolled in with a smile on her face. "Hello? Can I please grab all of your attention please." The classroom settled down with the occasional whisper. "I am Katze Silverstein, I will investigate the recent murder of Richard Gary." She grabbed a list from her belt and began scrolling down the list, "Janet Aberdeen, we will like to question you." Janet nodded and walked to the woman, leaving the others with whispers.

"Oh my god, I knew he died but I didn't know they would investigate the students."

"This is really happening, isn't it?"

Aito tried to ignore the quiet panic from his peers by putting his headphones on. Olivia on the other hand was wondering how her life became like this. She knew now that she could never call her life boring anymore.

About seven minutes later Janet came back, "Jeffery Anderson." They called next. Aito saw that people's expressions still held that look of anxiety. He didn't understand why though, they didn't have to worry about the chance of prison. Aito suddenly caught Catherine staring at him. She didn't even look away when he saw her, but her expression turned more blank. He felt uncomfortable from her obvious stare and tried to think of something else. However everything else coming to mind was absolute fear. "Catherine Carrey."

Catherine sighed and went with the detective but also giving one last look at Aito. The detective, Katze, was incredibly bubbly and cheerful. Her dyed white hair with black tips at the end was bouncing up and down from her laughing and smiling. 'How is this woman a professional?' Catherine thought right before a door opened for her.

Katze walked behind the desk before putting on reading glasses, "please do sit." She walked up to the interrogation desk and sat right across from Katze. "I'm going to ask you a few questions. First however, you need to know that if you lie or cover up for someone you will be charged for being an accomplice." Katze warned with her chipper voice completely gone. It was like a switch turned off. "Does that make sense?"

"No ma'am."

"What was confusing dear?" Katze asked.

Catherine blushed and started to fidget in her chair, "I don't know what accomplice means ma'am." Katze stared at her before laughing happily, "it is when you help someone with a crime. It's against the law."

Catherine nodded in her understanding. "What were you doing on September fifth at six o'clock PM?" She began. "I was eating Chinese take out with my family." Katze started to write on her notepad. "Afterwards, I don't know if it was six thirty or seven but I started talking to my boyfriend, Thomas." Katze nodded a little, "can you think of someone who would benefit Richard Gary's death?"


"No I'm sorry. All I know is that people were annoyed by how Mr. Gary treated us. He wasn't that nice."

Catherine adjusted her headband that made her look like a hippy. "Also... me and my boyfriend, Thomas, saw something that I uhm... It's disturbing."

"Go on sweetheart." Katze reassured, hoping that the information would be valuable. "Mr. Gary had child pornography in his desk drawer." A police officer who was drinking hot coffee choked on it and started to have a coughing fit. "But it wasn't any old child pornography! It was a student's little sister. Aito Hano's little sister."

"Does he know?"


"Does he know that Mr. Gary has this possession?" Catherine stopped to think if she should lie or not. "No Mrs. Steinsilver."

"It's Silverstein." She corrected while writing down the information. She smiled, "that will be all. Officer Jackson, take her back to the classroom and tell Officer Bernt to search Richard's belongings in the classroom." The officer nodded and escorted Catherine out of the investigation room. While the officer was walking down the halls in front of Catherine, she took out a scrap of paper out of her pockets and started to write down her note.

"Aito Hano." The police called out. Catherine passed Aito and slipped the note in his hand. While walking he opened it up silently,

'I know you killed Mr. Gary but honestly, I think he deserves it. I will be your accomplice'

"It's in this room." The officer opened the door for Aito, "thank you sir." Upon entering the door, Katze was looking at him sternly.

"Take a seat."

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