Chapter 29

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How did life come to this? When has life become so tiring and pathetic? Aito laughs to himself in self-pity as he began to cry. He was stuck in this place since he was eleven years old.

"You're so pathetic. You never liked her in the first place, she was toxic to your stupid beloved." Amber calmly said with a smirk on his face. Aito looked around the room with puppets all around. He then faced himself with button eyes. Yes, he himself was a mere puppet forced along the stage to Amber's entertainment.

"I never wanted to... I never wanted to kill her. She had hope that I would help her and I crushed it with a backstab." Aito grabbed the puppet and threw it anger, "no you crushed it! You were the one who forced me to kill her!"

Amber chuckled to himself before planting his hand on Aito's chin, "you were the one who wanted my strength in the first place!" Aito growled in disgust. He didn't have a witty comeback or even a counter claim. At the time he was a scared little boy wanting help. It wasn't his fault that help was a monster.

"Leave me alone. I want to be alone... if I am, I won't hurt Airi. Airi is everyt-"

Amber rolled his eyes, "yes, yes I know! She's everything to you and you will fight to protect her. What are you? A prince from a fairy tale with a white horse and flowing hair?" Amber placed his hands on his waist and looked at Aito in a mocking matter, "you're not her knight in shining armour. In fact, you're no one's! You're a monster that plays the role of a nice high school boy. You play the part everyday but you know that you want to murder every last one of them. To see the terror in their eyes before they drop like a sack of potatoes."

Aito felt warm tears streaming down his face, "is there anything I can do? Is this really my fate? To become a heartless monster who can't feel love?"

Aito's ears perched up and looked at Amber who was now clapping slowly. He frowned in disgust that Amber was being cruel at this point of time. He didn't need the heartless love right now.

"Bravo! Really! With that act you can fool almost anyone, even sweet ol' Airi. Though you didn't fool me so let's do it again but with more tears in the eye." He gutted Aito in the stomach and smirked at the reaction, "Ah there it is, the tears. Now I can truly see that you're in pain."

Aito gasped for air from Amber's punch. He backed away from Amber and clumsily looked for a table to support himself. He reached out for one but nothing was there so he fell square on his bottom. He started to chant 'leave me alone' as Amber walked closer and closer to his wounded friend. Though his movement halted to Aito's surprise.


Aito looked up to him as Amber muttered her name. However Amber was looking at the door instead of him. Aito's eyes swarmed to the door and landed on Olivia who looked shocked and confused.

"I was just looking for Aito to ask if... if he was okay...."

Aito began to panic and got up from the floor. "How much?"

"How... m-much what?" Olivia asked while stepping backwards. "How much I heard...? I came in when you were explaining that you didn't want to kill her...."

'Shit, shit, shit!' Aito thought as realisation dawned upon him. Olivia heard everything. She was going to tell Airi and Airi will be disgusted with him! Aito knew Airi would believe Olivia too. Ever since that certain day, Airi never truly trusted Aito. Especially when it came with Amber and his ability to take over his body.

Amber growled and pointed at her, "are you going to let her get away and ruin everything or what?" His words made Olivia have a fight or flight response and began to run the other direction of the door.

The Zone of SpiralsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon