6: Lollipop

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I looked at the clock. It read eight o'five. Lainie was either late or not coming in today. I sighed. It was nice finally having someone to converse with.

My father was not a good person. He took part in illegal activity. He sold drugs, stole things, even robbed innocent people. I had never known until recently. He was a perfect father.

When had a great father-son relationship but it had gotten in the way of his work and I had asked my mother why he had been so distant. Later that night, my house was shot at. They did a drive by and killed my father.

After that day, I had been known as the druggie kid even though I never even touched any of it.

The bell chimed and I smiled when I saw Lainie but I then I frowned when I saw a guy with his arm around her.

She smiled and pulled the guy over to the counter with her. "Hi Yoda." I smiled. "Hello sweet girl." The guy looked at me weird. "Yoda, this is my brother. He is visiting from England."

He held his hand out. "I'm Tony." I shook it. "I am Everett." He looked confused. "Your name is not Yoda?" Lainies cheeks and the bridge of her nose were now tinted pink. "When Lainie talks about you, she refers to you as Yoda, so I thought it was really your name."

I smiled at Lainie. "Awe. You talk about me? How sweet, sweet girl." She glared at her brother. "You are idiot. You do not tell someone they have been talked about!" I chuckled.

"I hope they were good things at least." Tony laughed, changing the pitch of his voice. "Oh, Yoda is so cute. Yoda is so nice. Yoda is kind. Yoda this, Yoda that." She rolled her eyes.

"Give me a dang lollipop."

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