25: Snickers

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"Hey Lainie, this is like the fifth time I have called you. I am not sure where you are but I am at the library, I see everyone but you. I even went to your place but you did not answer. So please call me, I at least need to know if you are okay. I love you."

I hung up my phone and shoved my hands in my pockets and walked around for a bit. After two hours I gave up and went back to her apartment. I searched for her spare key and unlocked the door.

When I opened it, it was quiet. The some of her pictures were gone, her keys were sitting on the counter and her shoes gone. I walked into her bedroom and saw that her dresser was open.

All of her clothes were gone.

The only damned thing of hers that was still here was a snickers wrapper.

She left me. She did not want me. What was it that I had done so wrong? I felt my breath shortening. I crouched down and held me head in my hands.

Nobody cares about you. Nobody would notice if you were gone. Nobody cares. I kept hearing all the comments from the bullies in high school.

You are worthless. You do not belong here. No one will ever love you. Are you going to go cry to your drug dealer of a daddy? You mean nothing. You are nothing. Nobody gives two shits about you.

I ran my hands through my hair and tugged on it. I then let out a frustrated scream and the began crying. I sobbed and sobbed.

I should have died the first time. I would not be in pain right now, I would not have these thoughts right now. I would be free. If I died I would have been seen my parents.

If I die, I will be with my mom and dad again.

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