The whispers

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I fluttered opened my eyes and stretched out. I looked to my side and saw Signe fast asleep, I smile to my self, I got out of bed to see Mark. He was already awake and sitting on the floor.

"Mark what are you doing? -" I looked down at him.

He was looking at an album of my baby pictures.

"You were such a cute baby! What happened!?!?" Mark joked.

I snatched the Album from Mark's hand and blushed embarrassed "Shut up 'ye ass." I chuckled. Mark smiled and stood up.

"How's Signe?" He looked at me. I nodded "She's okay." "I'm just is she human. It's impossible." I whispered. Mark nodded in agreement.

"This has to be something to do with Dark...I know he's gone but...-"

"Jack. Just be happy she's back to normal again." Mark placed his hand on my shoulder.



My head is pounding.

My heart is racing.

I open my eyes slowly. Squinting at the sunlight peaking through the Curtains.

Ugh my head is pounding...I'm so hungry so thirsty, my throat is dry.

Why do I feel so weird, what happened...the last thing I remember Mark and Jack trying to train me...they was training me to control my strength, but what strength, then I remember feeling sick and I fainted. But why? What happened? Why were they training me? teeth, I remember the taste of blood...

I put my finger to my teeth checking for sharp fangs...nothing; I got up and looked into the mirror above the dresser. My skin was pale as fuck before, now it's back to colour.

I remember now. I am vampire because Mark bit me, but it wasn't Mark it was Dark...but Dark's gone, so apart of him is still in Mark? But there was someone...someone who was me, but wasn't me. She tried to drink Mark's blood...I remember her thoughts...she wanted to kill Jack...


I got up and ran to the door. Fuck, my legs feel weird. I see Jack and Mark talking. Jack looked at me, I can see a huge smile on his face when he see's me. He ran to me and hugged me, I hugged him back, I needed this hug it was so warm.

"Signe. You're okay!" He kissed her cheek. I smiled and nodded "Yeah, I'm okay Jack, I'm okay." I put my hand on his cheek gently.

He kissed me gently, I blushed.

"Ahem." Mark chuckled "I'm here too." He smiled at me. I looked over at Mark and hugged him.

"I'm glad you're okay Signe." He smiled. He pulled away from the hug "What's the last thing you remember?" Mark looked at me.

"I remember being a vampire...You guys was training me so I could control the strength then I fainted and I woke up in bed..." I explained.

Mark nodded "So you know what happened."

I nodded "But the thing is...I don't feel like drinking be honest a nice sandwich sounds so good right now."

"That's because you're human again, Signe." Jack looked at me.

"" I asked confused.

"We have no idea, but when you fainted you heart began to beat. We think it has something to do with Dark...but we're not sure yet." Mark said.

"I don't am I cured? Does that mean Jack is?" I asked

Jack looked down at the floor "Sadly, no." He looked at me.

I look at the sadness in Jack's eyes. He must really miss being human; I put my hand on his.

"Signe you should rest-" Jack stopped talking all a sudden, he looked around the room as if he heard something

"Jack?" Mark asked.

"Jack? What are you doing?" I look at him.

"Can't you hear that?" Jack walked around trying to find the source of the noise he could hear. I looked at Mark confused, he looked back with the same expression as me.

"Jack...what noise?" Mark asked, walking closer to Jack.

"A person...they're whispering...I can't make it out..." He walked toward the front door.

I walked towards Jack "Jack, no one is whispering..."

"Yeah Jack. You must be insane..." The voice whispered.

"You guy's seriously can hear that?!" Jack looked at us.

"No one can hear you, idiot. Just me and you up in here." The voice said.

"What? Where are you!?" Jack raised his voice a little.

Mark looked at me "Jack...I think you need take a rest..."

"Yeah, Do what he says Jacka-boy. Rest." The voice chuckled and Jack fell to the floor.

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