Was It Really Goodbye?

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Signe wiped her tear's as she turned around, she took a few step's away from the coffin then stopped, when she heard a faint whisper. She looked around to see if anyone was there. Then carried on walking.

The whispering got louder, Signe could make out what it said.

"P-p-please don't go, Signe. Please" The familiar voice said, weakly. Signe turned around, and looked at the coffin "J-jack?" she walked up to the coffin to see that jack was not longer there. "Jack?" she said looking confused. She looked around to see if there was anyone there. She walked around the Church until she found a priest. "Excuse me." She said shaking "S-seán William McLoughlin, where is he?" The priest looked confused.

"excuse me? He is in the coffin over here, love." The priest guided Signe to the coffin, where she was previously. He stood over the coffin and gasped " He was right here." The priest said. Turning around to face Signe. Signe looked worried " W-what's going on" she asked.

"Don't worry dear, I'll be right back." He walked to the church door, when suddenly blur swopped by, and the Priest was gone. Signe looked at the doorway where the the Priest  was just standing and backed away, shocked. "W-what?" She looked around to find the Priest. She walked close to the Church door. "H-hello..."

There was a whine coming from above, on the ceiling, sounded like someone in pain. Signe about to look up heard a droplet on the floor. She looked down, it was red and had a strong smell of iron/metal. "b-blood?" She stuttered. Signe looked up and couldn't see anything.

A loud thud, the sound of bones cracking and blood splattering. It was the priest. Dead. The blood Splatter on to her, she scream "Holy fuck!" she yelled backing up, into someone she jumped and turned around. A familiar, Green haired, male.

"J-jack" Signe voiced cracked as she looked at him , scared, confused, shaking. Jack wiped the blood from his mouth "yum." he took a step toward her. She took a step back. "J-jack...how...are you...did you kill him?" Her said her word's shaking with her. 

"I was hungry, don't get scared" Jack put his hand on her cheek. She pulled away and ran out the Church, as fast as she could, Jack's hat fell off as soon as she started to run, he picked it up and put it on , Jack smirked. 

"Oh god." She felt the blood dripping down her cheek. She wiped the blood away, not looking where she was going she tripped over a tree root and got her foot jammed. "No! No! please!" She pulled her leg. "Please! Some one! Help me!" She looked down at her leg trying to pull her ankle from the root of the tree.

"Signe! Please let me help you." He whispered in her ear from behind.

She screamed "N-no! Please leave me alone!" She cried.

He moved the hair from her face "Your stuck! let me help." He smirked. She pushed him away

"W-who are you..." She sobbed "Who are you!" She screamed. Jack stared at her. She noticed his eyes, orange-y, yellow.

"It's me Jack, Your loving boyfriend" He kissed her cheek. She shoved him with most of her strength  

"No. Jack would never kill someone... never." She said looking at him.

"Oh dear, you have a little blood on your face" he wipe some blood of her face with his finger and licked the blood. She closed her eyes and more tears ran down her face.

"Y-your dead. You died." Signe said still trying to get her leg out.

"You said it your self, you didn't want me to leave you." he said looking her in the eyes.

She looked back into his eye realising, that is what she said. 'What if thats the reason he's like this?' she thought. Signe looked down at her leg, she didn't even realise her leg was now bleeding and cut open. Jack licked his lip in the sight of the blood. "What are you...?" She breath in.

Jack smirked "Why don't I show you" Sharp, pointed fangs, he dug them into Signe's leg. She screamed out in pain "J-jack! S-top!" She cried. Jack closed his eyes, drinking her blood.

"Stop! y-you're hurting me!!" she sobbed. Jack quickly stopped and his fang retracked, he back and looked up and Signe. She looked weak, Jack nearly drained all her blood, he couldn't stop. She was crying, about to faint. "W-what are y-you?" she said weakly "w-who are you."

he breathed out "oh g-god Signe, I'm sorry!" Jack said as if he was normal. Signe closed her eyes. Fainted.

Jack whimpered "w-what am I?" He felt Signe's blood run down his chin, he wipe it of her blood of his chin and breathed quickly

He managed to break the root of the tree, he notice how he was stronger. He shook his head "h-holy." Jack picked Signe's body and started to run, he didn't even realise how fast he was going, by the time he knew it he was at the apartment. He gasped for air, and opened the apartment door, Jack looked at the apartment, It felt like week's,years since he was last there, but was only a couple day's.

He place Signe down on the bed, he then stumble backward's on to his recording chair, He felt a sharp pain his mouth, and loud whispered, only he could hear.

 He felt insane.

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