The REAL Mark

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"My head kills." Signe said holding her head and sat back down on the bed. Mark chuckled "Well from what I see someone has being drinking your blood...Care to explain?" Mark tilted his head. And point to the multiple teeth mark's.

"First, is when I first saw Jack the way he is now. The second is from Jack losing control. This one is from...You, or what seemed and looked like you." "Yeah. Dark..." "Right him, and then this one is from Jack again..." Signe finished explaining.

Mark sighed "He shouldn't be here." he looked at Signe "Jack shouldn't be like this."

"How is Dark alive, he is made up by Fan's" Signe asked crossing her leg's.

"I know. He was, until I don't even remember what day, a long time ago. I felt something, a pain in my teeth. I fainted, then I woke up again. I wasn't in control of my body. So other soul was, he had black eyes, pale skin. I knew it was Dark I was just so confused. He started to kill people for they're blood." Mark looked down "But recently, it was quiet. Dark hadn't took over my body, I knew something was wrong. He was always talking about a man, a man who could do horrible things, the man had ability's Vampire's only dream off. He was blabbering on about how I know him and he was human. But that's gonna change..."

"And that man...It was Jack?"

Mark nodded " I knew that were he was gonna be. Here but I didn't expect you to get drawn into this...I'm sorry Signe." Mark looked up at Signe.

"Are you one of them or human?" Signe asked.

"Human, Thankfully. You look at vampire's from the book's and movie's and think they're cool. But reality is they're cold, monsters." Mark said coldly...

"My head..." Jack opened his eyes and mumbled. He looked around he was in a basement, on the floor. With chains to to wrist's "What the?" He looked around.

"Dark?!" Jack yelled "What the fook are you." Jack growled.

"Heh. You look stupid." Dark came out from the shadows and place a cup of blood in front of him "Drink." Dark stared at him.

Jack looked down at the cup and at Dark "Who's blood is this?" 

"A girl who was at a service shop when we were on the road. Don't worry, I don't think she mind's much now" He smirked "She's dead" he whispered.

Jack breathed out " You're Disgusting!" He yelled out. As he kicked the cup over. Dark shook his head "Say's you. you fed on your girlfriend what 4...5 times now!!" Dark picked up the cup.

"I couldn't control myself..." Jack sighed.

"That's too bad. I'll just leave you weak." Dark chuckled and left.

Jack groaned "I hate you!" 

Mark came into the bedroom with two cups of coffee "Here." Mark handed one to Signe. She smiled "Are you going to help me get Jack back?" She asked. Mark nodded "I will. But you're not coming." 

"What!" Signe put her cup down "I need to help!" she said. Mark chuckled "It's too dangerous." 

"I don't care! Mark I can help!" Signe said pleading to go with him.

Mark sighed "If you do  go. Stay by me. Okay."

Signe smiled "Let's go." she grabbed her keys and ran out the door. Mark put his coffee down "Signe wait! What happened to stay by me?" He ran after her. Signe laughed and unlocked her car. "Hurry up" Signe yelled. Mark got in the driver seat.

She smiled. As they set off...

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